holidays in Turkey are possible, for travellers from Germany, the country remains, however, a Corona-risk area. While the Federal government has repealed most of the European States, the General Corona-travel alert, available on the from the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) published a list of the risk areas, other popular holiday countries such as Egypt, Morocco, and Thailand.

Rainer Hermann

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

A country is regarded as a risk area, if the number of daily new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, lies within a week at more than 50. The decision on which countries as a risk area, is not politically motivated but rather a consequence of the infection numbers. In Turkey, the daily new infections have been increasing for the 12. June and are currently about 1500 of the day.

Even if the number of infections is relatively low, can be explained by the a country to the risk area, for example, in the case of lack of Test capabilities or insufficient measures to mitigate the pandemic. “Also is taken into account, if no reliable information for specific countries,” reads the website of the Robert-Koch-Institute.

list is valid until 31. August

The list of risk areas applicable to the 31. August and will be updated regularly, shall notify the Federal Foreign office. Anyone entering from a risk area, to Germany, had to expect to get 14 days of quarantine prescribed. In June the higher administrative court for North Rhine-Westphalia in Münster and the administrative court in Berlin had ruled that, in Federal States, travelers who come back after 72 hours from a high-risk area, are not generally obliged to go into home quarantine.

A premature cancellation of the classification in a risk area with a positive pandemic of development, a stable health system, consistent safety and security measures for tourism as well as reliable and also travel options possible and will be announced separately in an individual case, shall notify the Federal Foreign office.

criticism from the tourism industry

especially the Turkey, the third most popular holiday destination of Germans to Spain and Italy, had insisted, in the travel warning to be lifted. Turkish foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu had shown a few days ago disappointed over the course of the Federal government. Everything is prepared for a safe journey in Turkey, he said the “Spiegel”: “The scientific reasons behind the decision are hard for us to.”

The Turkey has lifted in the last week of their entry restrictions to a large extent and the air traffic resumed to Germany. In the view of the government in Ankara is taken care of to the vacation places in the Mediterranean such as Antalya and Bodrum for all of the Corona-safety precautions.