If you have a large Corona-study of more than 5200 children and employees in düsseldorf, day-care centres have been found in nearly 35,000 samples a infection in a child. The düsseldorf University clinic announced on Thursday. However, there had been, according to the health Department of the city during the four-week study period in the 115 participating institutions for more Corona-infections in children and employees, which would not have, however, participated in the study. A total of two staff and eight kindergarten children were recorded ten new infections–.

the aim of the study was to gain reliable knowledge about it, whether it comes in the Kita-groups on emerging Corona cases, and thus, chains of Infection in the environment are triggered. The evaluation showed that in the study period, the incidence of new infections in the nurseries on the same level as for the city of Düsseldorf, in total, to be located, said Professor Jörg Timm, Director of the leading Institute for Virology at the University hospital.

In one case, there had been indications that it had come within the day-care centre to a Transmission of Sars-CoV-2 to another child, and from there on members of the Household. “On this basis of pleasing a few infections, a clear statement as to the importance of children as a source of infection is not, unfortunately, possible,” said Timm.

the model study had the 10. June to 7. July 3955 children and 1255 Employees participated. They were studied over a period of four weeks, twice a week, to infection with the novel Coronavirus. The laboratory of the University hospital analyzed nearly 35 000 Spuckproben. Overall, are filed in each of the 115 participating day-care centres, more than 8100 children.

In the study, only a six-year-old child was tested positive for Corona. After the infection, the mother and a sibling were tested positive. The kindergarten-children were tested in the study, participating institutions positively, but were not part of the test persons had been infected, mostly in the domestic environment.

reasons not entirely

are not resolved according to the study authors completely. The positive Corona cases among daycare children and staff outside of the study were found in event-specific Tests. The scientists conclude that a voluntary regular Test-Screening of the current Infection for the determination of Corona cases is “superior”. “The expense is currently in no reasonable proportion to the Benefits.” This could change their view, however, with rising infection numbers.