athletes of Germany e. V., together with the athlete representatives of Denmark, Canada and the United States, as well as the athletes interest groups “Global Athlete” and “The Athletics Association” an urgent and fundamental Reform of the world Anti-Doping Agency, Wada, is required. “The Athlete*inner can no longer accept that their demands for appropriate reforms of the world Anti-Doping Agency have not been implemented”, – stated in the published on Thursday in the paper.

Christoph Becker

sports editor.

F. A. Z. Twitter

under the slogans of independence, transparency, accountability, and human rights demands that are minimal are “claims, which are to serve as the starting point of far-reaching reforms”. You have Wada, the President of Witold Banka since 1. January in the office, at 16. July to talk. On Wednesday of this have offered a round table “in larger round” in September. In view of the urgency of the reforms and “without the certainty of exactly when we can bring our demands to the language”, have you decided to post the Position immediately. Background among other things, dealing with claims of athletes representatives in the past. Specifically, the paper accuses the Wada, claims in respect to Russia’s Non-compliance with the Anti-Doping code, the respects in September 2018 miss and not to be decided against the Bucharest anti-Doping laboratory and the Romanian national Anti–Doping Agency to cases of corruption and cover-UPS followed.

The athlete representatives, calling for the decoupling of funding and decision-making powers in the Wada. The Governance structure should be exempt from actual and perceived conflicts of interest. Members of the Wada Executive would have to be completely independent. Here are the athletes ‘ representative are calling for an “equal, independent and active representation” of the athletes. You should have “independent and equal seats wherever decisions are made”, in the same number as the International Olympic Committee and the governments. The Wada should be regulated “neither from the sport system is still individual governments” and to athletes accountable be required.