A red brick house in Harsewinkel, Gütersloh district. A man, mid-thirties standing next to his partner and his child in front of the door. In front of him, two figures in white protective clothing, have just brought their Test-Kit from the Maltese Bus stand. “Now, you say out loud ‘Aaaa'”, says one of the two and is the man test swab in the throat. Two steps behind, two soldiers of the Bundeswehr three upturned plastic crates to form a makeshift Desk piled up and sticking bar codes on forms. After a few minutes, everything is gone, the protection to be Packed suits in plastic bags, each apartment have to be used. The three Transporter to the living quarters, the next address left on the list is to the series.

Jannik Waidner


F. A. Z.

until Sunday of next week, Gütersloh are in the circle every day, around 40 squads on the road. In each Team of three Bundeswehr soldiers, three forces of auxiliary organisations and a interpreter. You should test all of the Tönnies-employees, who are now together with their household members in quarantine. Overall, the 3000 persons in 650 apartments. After the Corona onset in the meat plant in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany had decided the state government on Tuesday for the district of Gütersloh, to return to the strict contact restrictions and to impose a “Lockdown”.

The meeting now every evening, the meetings will last until in the night. Fire and rescue service, youth services, and the regulatory Agency involved. “We evaluate the daily schedule and ensure that all are cared for in quarantine with the most Necessary”, so Mettenborg. “If not, we can organise it, if need be, until deep in the night.” On Saturday Mettenborg had a Meeting with the sub-contractors, where the workers are employed. There they had agreed to participate in the catering of their employees, who are not allowed to leave their homes. That you actually stay at home, will be monitored under the supervision of the clerk’s office – the second urgent task is the need to cope with Mettenborg just. “To keep the Pandemic to occur in the grip, we every evening in the crisis staff, the extent to which the quarantine requirements are met,” says Mettenborg.

disappointment just before the holiday season

the rest of the population in the district Tests were in prospect. This week Rheda get-Wiedenbrück own test centre, on Wednesday afternoon, was opened with the support of the Bundeswehr, also in Oelde. Previously, the residents of the circle were only in Gütersloh test. The local test station launched on Wednesday to their limits, at times long queues formed. Reason is likely to be the school holidays,which are imminent now. Anyone who wants to make Bayern vacation, must submit as a resident of the circle Gütersloh a negative test result. But even with a negative test result is for many still unsure as to whether you can travel in the holidays, says Mettenborg. Some of them would get from their Hotels to Cancel. “For all of them, had Packed their bags already, this is a big disappointment. The Lockdown hits the families in the middle of the heart.“