Saniniu Kuryan Laizer, miners from Tanzania, after the discovery of two precious tanzanite stones millionaire. The two stones were the largest ever found in the country, said mining Minister Dotto Biteko during a Ceremony on Wednesday. The 52-year-old Laizer price sold the stones for 7.7 billion Tanzanian shilling (EUR 2.9 million) to the government – according to experts, a mockery.

Found Laizer had hills, the approximately nine-to-five-kilogram stones in the Northern Mirerani -. The area was fenced in 2018 of President John Magufuli, to the smuggling of a precious stone to prevent.

The gems are not sold on the market, but should be handed over to the national Museum, explained the government. Laizer had dug up the gems by Hand, making them remained intact.