The Dutch police has discovered several self-built prison cells and a suspected torture chamber. A total of seven containers had been converted from a criminal gang, said the Prosecutor’s office on Tuesday in Rotterdam. Six people were arrested, according to the already two weeks ago under the suspicion of the planned kidnapping and hostage-taking. The police assumes, that the Container had not yet been used.

The Container were in a warehouse in the village of Wouwse plantation in the southern province of Brabant. Six were set up as prison cells, sound-insulated with a toilet and handcuffs on the Ceilings and floors.

torture instruments and a dentist’s chair

“A seventh sea containers, the Suspect called the “treat the room”, obviously, thought and done, to torture people,” said the Prosecutor. In the Container, a dentist chair, and many torture were found instruments, such as hedge shears, Pliers, and surgical instruments.

about the Interception of phone and chat conversations to track down. The Suspect had been chatting according to information from the police about the now closed network EncroChat bluntly, kidnappings and torture. Just a few days ago, the European judicial authority, Eurojust, reported that the police have cracked the network and is thus a big blow against organized crime in Europe, had succeeded.