The Valladolid actor Isaac Bravo, linked to the Azar Teatro theater company and who has had roles in numerous performances as well as in the Television series ‘Tierra de Lobos’, died this Wednesday, January 3, as reported by the aforementioned company.

Azar Teatro announced the sad news on Wednesday night and has expressed its regret for the loss of Isaac Bravo, known as ‘Sasi’. “A stone has crushed our hearts. How lonely you have left us, Sasi!” they lamented in the brief statement on the social network Facebook.

Various entities related to the field of culture, such as the Association of Performing Arts of Castilla y León (Artesa), have publicly shown their condolences for the loss, as have political parties such as the municipal groups of PSOE and VTLP in the City Council of the capital.

This last training has recalled that ‘Sasi’ was born in La Rondilla and began doing theater in the Theater Classroom of the University before training at the Provincial School of Dramatic Art.

He has worked with the companies Fabularia, Pie Izquierdo, with Alberto Velasco’s company and more extensively Azar Teatro Valladolid, making dramatizations of books or staged visits in Valladolid and Salamanca, in addition to numerous series and shorts.

Bravo was twice awarded the Best Actor Award from the Union of Actors of Castilla y León, in 2007 for his role in the play ‘Solitos’, by Azar Teatro, and in 2013, for ‘Seven Seconds’.