Despite All prophecies of doom has not given up on Kanye West, the hope of the White house. The Rapper responded on Wednesday with the Federal election Commission (FEC), the election Committee of his party BDY (short for Birthday Party) to register. The second and decisive step in the direction of Washington, the Declaration of candidacy with the FEC, is but more.

the West had declared nearly two weeks ago, to the succession of Donald Trump to compete. Wife and potential First Lady Kim Kardashian referred to the now-year to a bipolar Episode of the forty-Three. As a possible Vice-President of the Rapper presented nevertheless, the psychologist, Michelle Tidball from Wyoming.

As the Internet portal TMZ reported, made the West of it on Wednesday already on the ballot in Oklahoma. Even if the Rapper will be placed in other Federal States, the chances for the move to the White house, but rather small. According to a survey by the opinion research Institute Redfield & Wilton Strategies West would have to settle for about two percent of the votes to be satisfied.