The Regret was limited, as the company Segway announced now, the production of their eponymous stand-up roller set. Popular the vehicles are never become that with its support rod between two adjacently mounted wheels look like only half-finished. If you saw someone on these things, then there were mostly groups of tourists, the well-behaved behind the zockelten like the wagons of a toy train. No, we will bear it, if the Segways will disappear soon from the city. Other means of transport, however, remain, although we could also do without them – and we don’t mean the usual electric scooters and SUVs.

The Tram

During my studies in Munich I was once almost late to a presentation. The streetcar or Tram, as they are called in Bavaria – which had remained half-way through the narrow streets in the Lehel are. An SUV driver (of course) had not parked his car so bad that the Tram was passing by. The ringing of the driver was of no avail, the reckless Valet was nowhere to be found. End of the line for the Tram, sports unit for me: The remaining two kilometers I put in the run back, the unit I held up with red spots on the face and sweat stains under the armpits.

The tram combines the disadvantages of subways and buses on Signal – and soft disorders to keep you in the same way as heavy traffic and accidents on the route, where the Bus for the Latter, after all, a detour can continue. Where the tracks run in the middle of the road, shutting down the holding end of the tram, in turn, the rest of the traffic, one-lane roads which seemed to be the case for cyclists. At night, you rumble awakens the residents. Tram-Fans say that The Tram is not sustainable. True, I say, Suggests to me the public TRANSPORT App on the tram, I guess, in the meantime, the wheel.

Julia Anton


I have to admit, I also have time on a sat. And: Yes, I found it to be great. At the time, I was still at Uni and I was interested for a student of architecture. One of our first Dates, he picked me up with his motocross machine from home. I felt like I was in the movie as he stood there in front of the door, for me a helmet was, I sat on the back of it and we while I wrapped the arms around him, over the country roads, the Wind in your face . . . Now I’m a few decades older, a mother of two daughters and I see the topic of motorcycle similar sense of humor as my parents at that time.

At the presentation, one of my daughters would be as a driver or passenger with the motorcycle on the road, runs an inner Film with me: At 180 km/h you can lose control in the curve, the loops exposed on the Asphalt, and what remains is a wooden cross, to which I put regular flowers. Apart from the romantic memories of the architecture students, I can see motorcycles, nothing more. Also if you are heating through the town and when Overtaking with a hell of a noise one more time to untwist, I just think: Is there no other way to prove his masculinity?

Anke Schipp


of Course we are not talking here of the far Eastern prototype of the rickshaw, when a barfüßiger boy draws a higher-ranking passenger through the streets, but by the Velotaxi referred to bike variant in the both seats. The basic principle has remained the same: One leans back, the other on a Bicycle. It is of course so built our entire capitalist System, but the poor and Exploited in the slaughter houses we need to at least watch as they ruin the health, while the rickshaw driver a permanent part of the curved back rigid. And if there is at least a real luxury would be that you made there!