Whew! What we have wound up in the last few weeks, as the news in the families-Whatsapp-ran chat hot, the Memes spread, and the Emojis were fired! Good wishes to penny, Videos of babies can burp the ABC’s, to advice on way, images of walks (by far!) and of course countless articles about what is allowed where, when and how. But nothing, really nothing was in any of these groups in detail, serves as Gags, Corona Gags, themselves.

Johanna Duerr wood

editor in the Department of society FAZ.NET

F. A. Z.

the family Chat is the place jokes for bad Humor and surpassed the Internet. Closely followed by the way from the office group Chat.

In the Corona has been a phenomenon particularly wide. The joke that we already have at least two weeks on Instagram or TikTok or Twitter or elsewhere will be seen as not funny, found, appears, mostly in imitation, again in the family chat, such as a poorly staged Video. The reactions are always the same: roaring laughter, to laugh crying, so Broken-now is your chance with the crocodile tears of laughter, the splash on both sides is the only way.

What is the matter with our parents?

for An example. A woman to be filmed, obviously home in front of a desolate Wallpaper, is asked: “now you must two weeks in quarantine, there are two possibilities. A: you go with your husband and children in quarantine. Or B: …” And the woman: “B is calling!, B!“. Muahahahaha, laughing Smiley, hands-on-the-eyes-holding-Smiley Grinning-Smiley-with-Sailor-Moon-droplet-at the top-right, Crying Smiley, laughing tears Smiley. Okay, the first Time we have laughed, too. The Gag’s have been there for years, in a similar Version. And you will be shooting at this time with these jokes from all sides so that you want to hide only in a joke – and air-empty room – after all, this is in Isolation, incidentally, is quite good.

It is a bit like the time when our parents suddenly Whatsapp discovered, and us-and-kiss-Smileys, heart eyes Emoji, and digital glitter is the only way zuspammten – and this at a time in which we were even there for the summit of intellectual Serenity, to fight our complete emoji free Facebook Timeline and StudiVZ messages. Embarrassed, we found it! Indecent!

What was the dangers in our love, wise parents, you signed suddenly in such a way? In the meantime, the Emojigebrauch has democratized, so to speak, just like the social networks. You mean: you are grown older, for the mass accessible. And also, we will no longer admit a certain Emojiverschleiß, so young, we are anyway, wink smiley!

Wt?f!?! Heaven help!

After all: we Still have Food pictures for us. The older Generation finds it weird that we pull out before eating our naturally beautiful draped noodles with ready-made pesto once the Smartphone to have this Moment of culinary excellence, for Whatsapp groups, without parents or aunts in it, of course. But that will change.