Brazil has been exceeded at the weekend, the brand of 100,000 Corona-Sacrifice. The curve of the daily deaths has flattened in recent weeks, but remains at the level of around one thousand Victims of the day. The official number of infections at more than three million. However, it is assumed that a very high number of unreported cases. According to several studies, the actual number is likely to be around 20 million infections, which is equivalent to nearly ten percent of the population.

Tjerk Brühwiller

a correspondent for Latin America with headquarters in São Paulo.

F. A. Z. Twitter

what is Striking is the distribution of deaths in Brazil. Poorer sections of the population are particularly affected, since they often suffer from pre-existing conditions and a worse access to medical care. Add to this that you can comply with the social isolation and economic reasons, less strictly, and in spite of the pandemic, to work must. People who are dependent on public transport, is far more common, as studies in São Paulo have shown. Although in many regions, relaxation, relaxed, the insulation measures under the economic and political pressure.

the President of Jair Bolsonaro, who played down the Virus since the outbreak of the pandemic, showed at the weekend, unfazed by the excess over the milestone of 100,000 dead. He regretted every death, regardless of the cause. Bolsonaro made the “Lockdown” and the reporting of the largest TV broadcaster TV Globo for the high number of victims is responsible. Globo, for example, discouraged the application of the antimalarial hydroxychloroquine, said Bolsonaro, have saved him the drug life. Bolsonaro was ill a few weeks ago on the Coronavirus, however, showed only mild symptoms and is now recovering again.