In connection with the creation of almost six billion masks in the Corona pandemic is threatening the Federal government, according to a report the repayment of receivables in the three-digit million amount. 48 suppliers who were not or only partially delivered goods have been paid for by the Federal Ministry of health, had previously filed civil actions to the competent Bonn regional court, said the “Welt am Sonntag”.

Around 100 suppliers for a coordinated legal approach to prepare according to the newspaper, with the help of lawyers. Overall, the companies concerned want to claim, therefore, outstanding payments in the amount of approximately 400 million euros. Would have expected that the participating law firms are high.

A spokesman for the regional court confirmed on Sunday to the input of the 48 actions until last Friday. It is a matter of receivables of EUR 300,000 up to five million euros, he said. A number of lawsuits were in the millions. A first hearing was scheduled in September. The procedure would be dealt with individually. In may, the first court cases were received. Two weeks ago it was 30.