Check-in there is Aperol Spritz. “Or do you want, Hugo?” Organizer Manfred light the Slouch in the camping, the tent, chairs, rules, course: drinks orders are posted to the tent number, buffet from 19: 30 to 23 PM. And the “Skyline Camping” on the roof terrace of the Skyline Plaza with 36 guests in twelve tents, parties are not allowed, the Distance is urgently desired.

Manon Priebe

editor for Social Media.

F. A. Z. Twitter

After the light is with the ready, waiting to plan a hot and Sultry under the tent. It will remain the only inconvenience. A flashlight shines in four variations in Light intensity, the short way to clean the Restaurant bathroom. “Unfortunately,” but there are no showers, says light. The air mattress is inflated, the tent is up, the skin is scraped of herring, which is not wanted in the earth. “Another Aperol Spritz?”

“I didn’t want to come here, because it is so hot. The family Council has met and me outvoted,“ says Patrick Note, and laughs. Together with his wife Susanne, son Justin and his friend Zaeem he came from the Riedberg for a night on the roof terrace. The advertising flags of Globetrotter and flame-furniture, give your Best, to be the sponsor for a strip of shade. Susanne Notice of the action on Instagram: “I found a funny thing.” The Sofa on which the family sits, is already sold, carpet and coffee table living room atmosphere.

Live music in the evening

the cost of 15 euros Overnight at the Leberecht-Foundation donated. On the tables ashtray from L&M, Beck’s stand-umbrellas do their Job. Not a stain without a brand logo. The children are employed by slamming the Shopping vouchers in lower floors. A family indulges in Happy Meals. On a beer table set, a couple summons with UN-cards, tent space, feelings. Young women in Bikini take advantage of the blazing sun. Zaeem and Justin plan their Cola consumption to contribute to the security man at the entrance to the site is the night for the company: “We are going through.”

Rooftop Gardening, bee hives on roof terraces – the townsfolk to rise for leisure actions more and more often on the roof. Why not to Stay? Not only in the Mediterranean, it drives the people in the night to Sleep to the top and to the outside. “Only in a night-families are left because the children were afraid of Thunder”, told organizer Manfred light. “All six of the dates were fully booked within a day and a half.”


As it is dark and wooden logs in the fire bowl crackle, builds a singer on-stage. The semi-acoustic guitar remains the most time in the stand to stand, instead there is “Imagine” and “I love Rock’n’Roll” to Playback from the brought Box. “Another Aperol Spritz?” A group of young adults wearing half-full glasses with Cola and ice cubes from the Bar into the tent. You come back with full glasses.