German news agency dpa reported Saturday that the man attacked and injured a nurse during a vaccination event at a shopping mall in Gera’s eastern town.

According to police, the man approached the mobile vaccination team and refused to be vaccinated. He then became violent after he was denied a certificate.

Two injured team members had to be treated at a hospital, but were released later. Police later arrested the attacker in a nearby garage.

These protests have been ongoing for weeks and the majority of French citizens support the rules. Some 73% of French have received their first vaccine dose, while 67% have been fully vaccinated.

France’s recent surge in infections began receding shortly after the virus was eliminated. Hospitalisations are also on the decline.


ANKARA (Turkey) — According to her son, a 116-year old woman from Turkey survived COVID-19. She is now one of the oldest survivors of the disease.

Ayse Karatay was moved to a normal ward on Saturday, according to her son Ibrahim.

“My mother became ill at the tender age of 116. She remained in intensive care for three weeks.” He said that her health is improving and that she’s feeling better.

In February, Sister Andre, a French nun, was cured of COVID-19 just days before her 117th Birthday. She is the second-oldest living person in the world.

After falling ill, Ayse from Emirdag, Afyonkarahisar in western Turkey was taken to Eskisehir City hospital. She had tested positive for COVID-19.

Ibrahim claimed that she had received only one dose of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine prior to becoming ill. She also said that her family members were likely to have infected her.

Ayse was born in the Ottoman Empire when precise dates of birth were not recorded.


MIAMI — Florida is currently battling the most deadly wave of COVID-19 in its history since the pandemic. This disaster was triggered by the highly contagious Delta variant.

Although Florida’s vaccination rate may be slightly lower than the national average for the state, it has a large population of seniors who are particularly vulnerable to the virus. There is also a lively party scene and a Republican governor who has been very strict against the use of masks, vaccine passports, and business closures.

The state had 244 deaths per hour as of mid-August. This is an increase of 23 deaths per day from late June. It also surpasses the 227 deaths per day recorded in the summer 2020. More recent statistics on fatalities per hour are not available due to the incompleteness of Florida’s death logs and reporting lags.

To store more patients, hospitals have needed to rent refrigerated trucks. Funeral homes have been overcrowded.


BERLIN — Germany’s top health official has urged more people to get vaccinated. He warned that hospitals could be overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients towards the end of the year if they don’t get the numbers up.

Jens Spahn, Health Minister, tweeted that we need at least 5,000,000 vaccinations to ensure a safe winter and autumn.

Over 61%, or 50.9 millions, of Germany’s population are fully vaccinated. Despite this, the daily vaccination rate is declining while infections cases are increasing for several weeks.

Germany’s disease control agency reported 10,835 COVID-19 new cases on Saturday. This is an increase of 10,303 reported a week earlier.

Daily Hannoversche Zeitung was informed by the health minister that the “number of people who have been vaccinated” is too low to prevent overburdening of health systems. He stated that 90 % of COVID-19-injured patients are currently unvaccinated.


LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) — A group consisting of anti-vaccination activists and virus deniers broke into the building housing Slovenia’s public broadcaster. This prompted a police intervention.

The incident took place in Slovenia’s capital Ljubljana on Friday evening. According to local media, about 20 people broke into RTV Slovenia’s building and forced their way into a newsroom before police arrived.

When the protesters entered, the studio was not on the air and they demanded to be allowed to broadcast what their views were. The STA news agency reported that vaccine opponents have been gathering outside the building for months, disrupting journalists’ commutes to work.

Andrej Grah Whatmough is the head of RTVS. He described Friday’s incident “a grave attack against our media house, public media outlet, and which we condemn in he strongest terms.” Whatmough claims that RTVS management will increase security.

In recent weeks, Slovenia has experienced an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and daily reported COVID-19 case numbers.


WELLINGTON (New Zealand) — New Zealand has reported its first death from coronavirus in six months, and the number of cases continues to decline.

According to health authorities, the woman who died was in her 90s with underlying health issues.

Authorities have reported 20 new cases in communities, all of which were located in Auckland’s largest city.

New Zealand is still under lockdown as it attempts to eradicate the outbreak of the delta variant which began last month.

The number of new cases has steadily declined from the peak of over 80 per day. New Zealand has not been affected by the pandemic, and only 27 deaths have been reported from coronavirus since its inception.


SAO PALO — Some Brazilian cities are offering booster shots for the COVID-19 vaccine even though most people have not yet received their second jabs.

This is in response to the concerns expressed by the country about the highly contagious Delta variant. Rio de Janeiro is currently Brazil’s epicenter of the variant and home for one its largest elderly population. The boosters were administered Wednesday.

On Monday, the northeastern cities Salvador and Sao Luis began. The most populous city of Sao Paulo begins Sept. 6. The next week will bring the rest of the country.

France, Italy and China are some of the countries that offer boosters. However, a greater proportion of their population is fully inoculated than Brazil’s 30%.

Officials from the administration said Friday that a U.S. plan to begin delivery of booster shots for most Americans by Sept. 20 is in danger. This could lead to delays for third doses for Americans who have received the Moderna vaccine.


PAPEETE Tahiti — France’s worst coronavirus epidemic is unfolding 12 zones away from Paris. It has devastated Tahiti as well as other idyllic French Polynesia islands.

The South Pacific archipelagos are short of oxygen, ICU beds, and morgue space. Their vaccination rate is only half that of the national average. Multiple outbreaks occurring simultaneously on remote islands and atolls are limiting the ability of the local authorities to evacuate the patients to the few hospitals in the territory.

Vincent Simon, head of the regional emergency services, lamented, “The problem with it is, there are many deaths before we get there.”

French Polynesia, France’s latest problem in managing resources to combat the pandemic in ex-colonies around the globe, is French Polynesia. It holds the record for having the highest number of COVID-19 infections per 100,000 people, with more than 2,800 cases.

That’s just an estimate. The multi-ethnic region of approximately 300,000 residents has stopped counting new infections. Local health authorities have redeployed medical personnel to concentrate on patient care and vaccination.