The number of worldwide well-known Corona-infections is increased within less than three weeks, from 15 million to about 20 million. This emerged on Monday from data from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. About half of the confirmed infections were, therefore, in only three countries: the United States, with more than five million infections in Brazil with three million and over two million in India.

The number of worldwide confirmed infections as of the end of June when tens of millions of and thus doubled within a period of about six weeks. In addition to the most affected countries, the Coronavirus pandemic spread in Russia, South Africa, Mexico and several countries of South America more quickly.

the World died according to Johns Hopkins so far, more than 730.000 people after infection with the Coronavirus. The number of victims has increased recently, partly due to better treatment options is significantly slower than the number of new infections. The causative agent of Sars-CoV-2. the lung disease Covid-19 trigger, which can be life-especially for elderly and immunocompromised people, dangerous

The world in absolute Numbers, the worst affected country was the United States. There are, in addition to the most confirmed infections, with over 163,000 Victims, most of the deaths. In second place is Brazil with over 100,000 dead.

The website of the University is regularly updated with incoming data, and therefore shows a higher level than the official Figures of the world health organization (WHO). In some cases, the Figures have been corrected and also back down. According to the WHO there were until Monday, the 19.7 million confirmed infections and 728.000 deaths. The pandemic had started the new year in the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan.