In the district of Gütersloh is a growing number of proven Corona-infections of people with no direct relation to the workers at the meat company Tönnies. Within seven days including Saturday (21. to 27. June) have increased the number of these cases to 107, said the circular on Sunday evening. 32 more than for the same period on the previous day (20. to 26. June).

Still, the majority of stakeholders showed no symptoms of the disease, and it was also no increase in the number of diseases to be reported, said the circular, in consultation with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The increase in confirmed infections with the Virus of Sars-CoV-2 deck-probably due to the strong expansion of the testing of people without symptoms. Many can currently test because you hope to be with a negative Corona Test in your vacation home is not rejected.

Immediately prior to the decision to extend the regional lock-downs, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is situated in the district of Gütersloh in the last seven days are still significantly above the mark of 50. The on Monday published Figures of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI). Accordingly, the incidence continued to very high values due to the outbreak at the meat processor Tönnies, the downward trend in the so-called Seven days. According to the recent RKI data, there were in the district of Gütersloh is now 112,6 such cases within the past seven days according to previously 132,9 on Sunday and 164,2 on Saturday. On Tuesday of this value had still amounted to 270,2.

The decision on Tuesday

The district of Gütersloh is according to the RKI-Pay continues to be the only County in the whole of Germany above the important mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. Background of the massive outbreak of the Coronavirus in the meat work of Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, in the circle. Until Tuesday to make a decision whether the regional Lockdown in North-Rhine Westphalia Gütersloh and Warendorf districts – the first nationwide expires or is extended. Since Wednesday current Lockdown is up to 30. June limited. The so-called Seven-days-incidence plays in the assessment of infection events, a role.