With his bearded face, the prominent Indian Guru Baba Ramdev is not sold for a long time only yoga classes, but also instant noodles, and toothpaste. Now, however, the ascetic has found with the strong business sense, a potentially lucrative new product. The Guru claims to have discovered a miracle drug against the novel Coronavirus, with a one hundred percent chance of recovery. A clinical study in 100 positive for the Virus tested patients have revealed that under the application of the Agent within a week all the patients back to health were.

Till Fähnders

Political correspondent for Southeast Asia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Ramdev’s alleged miracle cure had presented on Tuesday at the headquarters of the represented company’s Patanjali Ayurved, in the Northern Indian city of Haridwar in the state of Uttarakhand, in the he also operates a yoga center. The pill with the name Coronil is to consist of vegetable substances, which are found in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine. You should be sold by next Monday in a three-pack with nasal drops and a vegetable Oil, to serve as additional strengthening of the immune system. The three drugs are cost as the “Corona-Kit” 545 rupees, the equivalent of less than seven euros.

experts skeptical

The grandiose announcements were encountered among professionals with great skepticism. Also the government responded promptly. It ordered that the company shall not for the time being, advertise with the alleged miracle, effect of the medium. “The facts behind this claim, and the Details of the above-mentioned study, the Ministry is not known”, – stated in the message of the competent Ministry for Ayurveda and Yoga. The Ministry does not see the traditional Indian art of healing as a way to strengthen the immune system against the Virus, propagated it, but as a healing opportunity.

On Wednesday, India reported its highest increase in new infections, with almost 16,000 cases. Thus, the total number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic, now in more than 45.600. India is the country with the most infections behind the United States, Brazil, and Russia.