Netflix remains unwavering in its commitment for the children. On Tuesday, the company, with headquarters in Los Gatos, California, announced an agreement to bring to the small screen part of the work of Roald Dahl, another hero of the children in the audience. Your plans undergo present “a series of events and animated special based” titles such as Matilda, Charlie and the chocolate factory or The big friendly giant, the latter made into a film by Steven Spielberg in 2016.

All this with the approval of the widow of the novelist welsh, Felicity Dahl. “Our mission, which is to deliberately idealist, is that the greatest possible number of children throughout the world can experience the unique magic and the positive message of the stories of Roald Dahl “, said in a statement. “This agreement with Netflix is a significant step to be able to make this possible. Roald would be happy, I know.”

Netflix, for its part, has pledged to keep the essence of the peculiar style of Dahl, while adding a personal universe full of imagination that goes beyond the books of the british author. “Immerse yourself in the extraordinary worlds of Roald Dahl has been an honour and a massive amount of fun,” said Melissa Cobb, vice president of content for families and children of the streaming platform. “We have a great ambition creative to re-imagine the travel of so many beloved characters of Dahl’s as fresh and contemporary”.

The announcement comes weeks after Netflix announced six new series and animation films aimed at families and children in the audience. Among them, My Father’s Dragon, a feature film with a script by Meg LeFauve, author of upside down (Inside Out),the film from Pixar.

Such a rain of production is directly connected with the opening of its own animation studio and with the end of the agreement with Disney, which will remove all your content from the platform in 2019 and will launch its own service to compete with Netflix. It will be called Disney + and display the entire catalog of tapes and a series of the brand, in addition to a new series of own production. The war content has not done more to start.

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