Mr Bush, you are the CEO of the Busch Media Group, which has just been announced, on 16. July to bring a Korean disaster movie called “pandemic” to the cinema, which deals with a deadly Virus. It has to be now?

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department “life,” the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

I think so, but it is likely to polarize. There are people who want to distract you in the cinema, rather, others are interested in right now for the theme. In the Streaming Charts, have been in the last few weeks, films like Steven Soderbergh’s “Contagion” or Wolfgang Petersen’s “Outbreak” relatively successful. I do think that there is just one target group.

The movie “pandemic” is already seven years old and is in the Korean Original, “Gamgi” – or the “flu”. Of whom does the new title come from?

we have elected to self. However, the Film some time ago, also came in France, out, long before Corona, and in French it is also called “pandemic”. We have let ourselves be inspired.

In the Film, the Virus breaks out in just two cities. This is not a pandemic.

Probably more of an epidemic.

In Mexico came out of the Film recently, also new, under the title of “Coronavirus”. So far they have not wanted to go but then?

no. I don’t know whether you have synced with the Film and maybe the content changed. We have not done, of course. “Pandemic” is not a sham, the movie is running in Germany as a Premiere. It is like a brand new Film.

It is said that the Film should be shown to “Germany”. In how many cinemas it is running?

We hope, in about a hundred theaters, we want him to bring relatively large out – however, as the Event Start. That is to say, the Film is to be shown as an Event, maybe three evenings. There will be no Film, which runs eight to twelve weeks in the cinema.

Still Have some cinema operators, as they have offered you the Film, not making fun of felt?

We start now with the rental just. A cinema is on us: The art film cinemas in Düsseldorf want to book him, because they show a whole film series with the title “pandemic”.

The cinematic catalog of your company include numerous exotic films with titles such as “African Kung-Fu Nazis,” “Alive, scalped,” “The Pope’s daughter” or “game me the link to the death”. We may also see one of these works soon on the big screen?

of Course not. These titles come from a number of small but fine Trash-beads, with which we want a regional Independent film-maker support. The films appear only in the Home Entertainment. The exception of African Kung-Fu Nazis”, which was realized by a German who lives in Tokyo as a young Director as a Japanese-Ghanaian co-production is “. Apart from that, we offer a very diverse and high quality films on offer, including award-winning documentaries, but also continued died dramas. In August, we bring the Slapstick Comedy “Mossad”, Israel’s most successful Film in 2019 nationwide in the cinemas.