Until 1. December will have died in the United States is forecast to nearly 300,000 people, according to a Coronavirus infection. The calculation model is derived from the Institute of health, IHME, University of Washington, and was updated on Thursday. Specifically, the scientists then probably 295.011 deaths, well over a total of 137,000 more than the so far in the country reported about 158,000 dead. So many victims, how the United States has seen no other country in the world. According to the IHME will impose in view of the rising Numbers, many of the States of new arrangements for citizens to stay at home.

Meanwhile, the American chief virologist Anthony Fauci is optimistic that the world will get used over the long term, the Virus. Even if the new Coronavirus appeared over decades, should rules such as masks, wash hands, distance to social contacts and a vaccine in the end help in adapting to the Virus. “Remember, there is only one Virus that was eradicated in the history of the planet, and the smallpox.” Currently, the potential vaccines will be developed against the new Coronavirus, but it is unclear how effective they will be. Fauci to hoped own information on the effectiveness of between 70 and 80 percent. A medium will probably be 2021 available, he said.

“Unpredictable nature of the pandemic”

In addition, the United States of America have their because of the Coronavirus pandemic is declared, global travel warning lifted. The American foreign Ministry announced on Thursday, to publish, from now on travel advice and travel warnings for individual countries. While the situation in some countries improve, they could deteriorate in the other at any time. In principle, a citizen should have when traveling abroad due to the “unpredictable nature of the pandemic” caution.

The American foreign Ministry had pronounced in mid-March due to the Coronavirus crisis is a global travel warning. The government advised citizens at the time of travel abroad urgently, and called on those Americans abroad, if possible, immediately return to the United States. The foreign Ministry warns in addition, embassies and consulates would probably have only limited capacity to help Americans.

Because of the pandemic, many countries had imposed worldwide travel bans and travel warnings issued. The United States said, among other things, in March Arriving from the Schengen area. The travel ban is still valid.