Brazil has registered the second day in a row, more than 1200 Corona Dead within 24 hours. As the Ministry of health in Brasília announced on Wednesday evening (local time), died in 1269 patients in connection with the Coronavirus in this period. Thus, the total number of the Corona of the dead rose in Brazil on 46.510. A total of around 955.400 people have been infected in the largest and most populous country in Latin America according to the official statistics with the Coronavirus.

in the United States were far more infections and Deaths recorded. The actual Numbers in Brazil are likely to be far higher, also because the country is testing very little. Scientific studies and estimates of organizations suggest that at least infected seven times as many people as so far known, and twice as many as recorded to have died. Brazil has 210 million inhabitants and is 24 times as large as Germany.

Almost a third of the between Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening new registered deaths there were in the state of Sao Paulo, where 400 deaths were recorded. In the more than 40 million inhabitants, the most populous state of Brazil, there has been also the most deaths overall (11.521). The state of Rio de Janeiro with the city from the Sugarloaf mountain follows with 8138 deaths.