Once it was a half a hazelnut-filled chewy candy, other Times the bite of a gingerbread. Then it was Benjamin suddenly really bad. “He is chalk became pale, felt weak and had red spots on the body,” says his mother. When it happened the third Time, she went with the child to the child’s doctor. A blood test brought certainty: Benjamin has a hazelnut Allergy.

As the three-year-old from Nuremberg, it’s a lot of people. Because allergies to food are more common. “This is now documented quite well,” says Katja Nemat allergist from the medical Association of German. “Food allergies have increased since the beginning of the 2000s.” About three percent of adults and four to six percent of the children are affected, according to estimates by experts in Germany. Not always, the complaints are as clear as in the case of Benjamin.

The diet doctor Yurdagül Zopf treated at the University hospital Erlangen regularly patients from all over Germany and abroad, in which the conventional Allergy tests are unremarkable. The not is due to the fact that the Tests are 100 percent reliable. On the other, there is food allergies, which are not always by serological Tests, the detection of antibodies in the blood or on the skin noticeable. “The diagnostic facilities are often not sufficient to hold all the food allergies to prove.”

A Combination of causes

An example of the intestine. “The gut is a huge immune organ,” says plait. “Because we still have to understand the importance it has in the development of allergies and allergic reactions.” He plays an important role, is only in recent years moved into the focus. The University hospital is the use of a little common process, in order to investigate this in more detail. All in all, the colonoscopy, the physician may spray the essence of nuts, soy, or other allergens on the intestinal mucosa, and to observe how this reacts to it.

But how are allergies to foods such as nuts, cereals, cow’s milk, hen’s egg or fish at all? Complete the has not yet been explored. “What certainly plays a role, is the way we feed ourselves,” says Dresdner’s allergic login Nemat. So processed foods were strongly industrially suspected to trigger allergies. “That is certainly not the only factor. It is a Combination of causes.“

medications may encourage, according to to braid the emergence of allergic reactions. Acid-inhibiting stomach medications can result in, for instance, that proteins are not digested completely and larger protein fragments pass into the intestine. “This can result in hypersensitivities or genetic Disposition to intolerance reactions,” she says.