The shareholders of Wirecard are nervous on the Thursday before the long-awaited presentation of the repeated delays in the balance sheet for 2019, and the complete Figures for the first quarter of 2020, visibly. In early trading, the stock price turned up to more than 5 percent to 99 Euro deep into the red.

Before the Start of official trading, the price had fluctuated on the trading platform Tradegate compared to the Xetra closing the day before between significant gains and losses of almost 15 percent.

In the case of the Dax group were last after a special audit to balance allegations of forgery of the key questions left unanswered. The auditors, KPMG reported in its report at the end of April of the fiscal years 2016 to 2018, that essential documents were missing, mainly the business with third-party companies. Therefore, the KPMG auditors were unable to determine whether the corresponding reservations on the actual sales meet.

Wirecard had stressed prior to the publication of the report, expressly, that there is no evidence of the public allegations of balance sheet manipulation. The share price had then strongly recovered to more than 140 euros, but then fell after the release of the KPMG report at the end of April, as investors, the company is viewed in the light of the statements of the auditor as fully of the allegations of the balance sheet manipulation relieves.

After a Low of 72 in April, had recovered the papers are clear up to more than 100 Euro.

WIRECARD — — (–) Xetra London SE Int. Level 1TradegateLang & Schwarz, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Switzerland OTCWienSchweiz 1T 1W 3M 1J 3J 5J For detail view

On the German stock market as a whole, have kept investors on Thursday after the good run of the past two days first. The Dax fell in the first minutes after the Xetra Start by 0.17 per cent to 12.360 counter. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the German leading index had risen by a total of almost four percent.

The M-Dax index of medium-sized German stock exchange, the values quoted in early trading 0.2 percent higher at 26.265 points. The Euro-zone leading index Eurostoxx 50 lost 0.4 percent.

It is also the witches ‘ Sabbath, is expected to throw on Friday its shadow already ahead of The large expiry in the derivatives exchanges in futures contracts and options run out then, what leads would not be rare to some of the more seemingly random Price fluctuations. According to Helaba, the majority of the open positions moves to the 12,000 points. In this respect, could not be ruled out that market players were trying to push the Dax in this direction.