Rapper Moha La Squale was arrested in Germany and must be presented to an investigating judge on Friday February 9 in Paris, the prosecution said, confirming information from BFM-TV. Moha La Squale, whose real name is Mohamed Bellhamed, had to respect a house arrest under electronic surveillance linked to his indictment for rape of a spouse, sexual assault, domestic violence and death threats against a spouse, recalls the Paris prosecutor’s office.

But he had been on the run for several weeks: he went to Germany, where he was arrested “on a European arrest warrant on December 31 at the border with Poland,” detailed the public prosecutor. He was handed over to France on Thursday by the German authorities and must be presented on Friday to the investigating judge in charge of the investigations. He must then appear before a liberty and detention judge, who will decide on security measures. The prosecution specifies that it has requested his placement in pre-trial detention.

Complaints from at least six women

The rapper has been indicted since June 2021 for sexual assault and violence against ex-partners. In July 2022, he was also indicted for rape, a criminal qualification, against another ex-partner. Contacted by Agence France-Presse (AFP), his lawyer, Me Elise Arfi, confirmed his arrest, without commenting further.

According to a source close to the case, the investigation ended “a few months ago”, with at least six women having filed complaints. In April 2021, he defended himself on “This plot was perpetuated (sic) to harm me,” he argued.

The musician was one of the revelations of the year 2018, author of a first album, Bendero, acclaimed by the public and critics.