Siberia: Three top managers after the Oil spill arrested

After the devastating Oil calamity in a Siberian power plant have been taken in Russia, three executives of the operating company NTEK fixed. You can have up to five years in prison, as the Prosecutor’s office announced on Wednesday in Moscow. From the power plant 21,000 tonnes of goods in the last week of diesel oil run out, the expansion of which has not yet stopped.

It is the company’s chief of NTEK, the chief engineer and his Deputy had been detained, it said in a communication from the Prosecutor’s office. The three managers are accused of having already 2018 necessary repairs to the accident-the fuel tank is not running. From the Tank the Oil was running.

“unprecedented scale”

NTEK is a subsidiary of the mining company Norilsk Nickel, which condemned the action of the Prosecutor as “unduly sharp”. In a conference call with investors on Tuesday night, the companies reported representative, the reason for the leakage of the Oil due to global warming thawing the permafrost soil can not bear the pillars of the Tanks have to be. So far, the state of the permafrost soils had not been tested, this should now change.

In the case of the accident in the Siberian town of Norilsk on the 29. May, around 21,000 tonnes of diesel oil from a Tank leaked and had contaminated large stretches of the river Ambarnaja, as well as the 70-Kilometer-long Pjasino lake. The Oil spills in the Tundra were even seen from space. Environmentalists say it is the worst such accident in the Arctic at all. The Head of the Russian environmental protection Agency, Svetlana Radionowa, spoke of an accident “unprecedented scale”.

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