fun company was yesterday – with today’s teenagers, researchers make up a “new seriousness”. “It almost seems as if the youth had come, the fun is lost”, is the conclusion of the published on Thursday Sinus youth study 2020. The study explores since 2008, every four years, the life-worlds of 14 – to 17-Year-olds in Germany.

The study is not representative, because only 72 young people were interviewed between 14 and 17 years of age. The long and personal Interviews allow researchers a good insight into the Thinking of a Teenager. In social research, this method is due to its open approach and the resulting Deep-going recognized focus.

“The young people say about themselves: “Hey, we want to have fun in life””, said research Director Marc Calmbach from the Sinus-Institute in Berlin, the German press Agency. If you ask then but in more detail, they responded down-to-earth, moderate, and problem-conscious than that of the first sine-study twelve years ago.

The greatest role model your mother is for many – especially for girls who go to the Gymnasium. To bind the young Generation of a Canon of social values such as sense of family, Loyalty, tolerance, helpfulness and individual aspirations, such as power and self-determination, according to the study. These values are shared across all social boundaries. “The biggest wish is to arrive in the middle of the society,” said Calmbach.

try The Teenager to the high requirements of the performance society. At the same time competitive society and the elbow mentality to be perceived but critical. “It is important for the compatibility of family and career is to you apparently. A 70-hour Job, even for a top salary, no wishful thinking,“ explained Calmbach.

The “new seriousness” the youth explained, according to the researchers, in good part out of concern for the environment and the climate. In addition, Migration and social justice are major themes. “It is no longer the” fun society “in the’ 90s,” said Calmbach. “We are today faced with major challenges, and be sensitive to perceived.” The previous, hedonism is greatly diminished.