Squares, streets, and shops: mask of duty in Amsterdam and Rotterdam

in the face of rising Corona of infection, pay a result in Amsterdam and Rotterdam is the first Dutch cities, a mask of duty. This applies particularly lively squares, streets and shops, shared with the cities on Thursday. The mask duty is to the 5. August, apply to all persons over the age of 13.

In Amsterdam around the red light district, the Kalverstraat main shopping street and popular markets you will not be allowed without a mask visited. The requirement does not replace but, as a rule, a safety distance of 1.5 meters apart, stressed the authorities. Amsterdam had already been taken for the red light district and the downtown area of strict measures. Thus, tourists were encouraged to visit the city on the weekends. Especially due to the influx of tourists, the safety distance can not be met often.

The Dutch government rejects a General mask of duty so far, it has allowed regional bids. So far, in the Netherlands only in public transport, and a face mask – this also includes the ferries belong to.

more Stringent mask duty to intensify in Parts of France

in France, several cities because of the sharp rise in cases of infection and their Corona pads. In Belgium, adjacent to the Département of Nord, the authorities announced on Friday stricter restrictions. Probably a mask obligation should also be introduced in the Free. The French government had imposed a country-wide mask compulsory for all publicly accessible spaces.

in the port city of Saint-Malo in Brittany, which attracts this summer, tens of thousands of domestic tourists, the Corona pads tightened. According to the city administration every eleven years, the walls in the old town and on the town of a mouth have to wear nose protection. In Central France, Orléans will have to be covered from Friday and also on markets for the mouth and nose. In addition, a mask is mandatory in the evening from 21.00 o’clock on the Banks of the Loire. There were bustling around in the past few weeks a number of people.

In the inner cities of the southern French cities of Bayonne and Biarritz, a mouth-nose protection is starting next week, according to the authorities, is also required. Biarritz will also lock the beaches at night to prevent beach parties.

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