One more literary season has come to a close and from La Lectura we have selected some of the best proposals of these last months to get lost on the beaches or to stretch out to read in the usual armchair. Illustrated stories and comics, novels and thrillers, without neglecting essays, books on art, science, music or poetry… there are suggestions for all tastes, both for those who want to reflect or educate themselves and for those who want to escape and entertain themselves. in the summer months.

Translation by Susana G. Ducrós. Backlighting. 360 pages. €21.95 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

After inheriting a fortune from an elderly woman barely known, Amanda, a bank clerk, begins to investigate the identity of the lady. She thus discovers a crude story that united two powerful women for life with terrible secrets that she has now inherited along with money. With La culpa, Xerais Award 2022, María Solar plunges us into a narrative in which we cannot breathe until we completely reveal this story of domination, madness and death where guilt is omnipresent.

Translation by Ignatius Gomez. Sheet of Tin. 352 pages. 23.90 €You can buy it here.

The devil is called Sal, he is black, he is 13 years old and he has decided to move to the town of Breathed. Or is he just a kid escaping from horror? The author of Betty signs this beautiful and profound reflection on the community and the dark places where evil really resides.

Destination. 320 pages. €19 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

Sick with Alzheimer’s, Ángel Cué entrusts his son Mateo to guard five manuscripts to publish when he is no longer well. Three years later, Mateo wins a literary award and is appointed Minister of Culture. And he finds himself caught up in a destructive spiral of deceit.

Translation by Joo Hasun. Today’s Topics. 256 pages. €18.90 Ebook: €8.99 You can buy it here.

Andrea Kim Seong-gon is a failure. In business, in the family, in the economic. Even when she makes the decision to kill herself, she doesn’t succeed. And then she becomes obsessed with something trivial: changing her body posture. And she will initiate changes that will renew her life.

sloper. 270 pages. €18You can buy it here.

From reform school, Jorge Fuster, a 14-year-old boy, tells us about his life and confesses that he is a kleptomaniac and an alcoholic. The nostalgia for a lost childhood and the rebellion against an incomprehensible world sustain this story that portrays the cataclysm of growing up too fast.

Translation by Silvia Acierno. A quarter to. 360 pages. €21.90You can buy it here.

With a poetic but poignant writing, capable of great tenderness, the Mario Desiati Strega Award winner explores through the story of Claudia and Francesco the thousand complexities of an irregular and uprooted generation: that of those who are 40 years old today.

siruela. 320 pages. €19.95 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

Santi Alarcón, the protagonist of Fontana’s new novel, doesn’t know where to start telling us about his childhood. An absorbing plot where the light of endless childhood summers gives way to the darkness of remorse and guilt.

Translation by José Óscar Hernández. Silver Letters. 352 pages. 18 € Ebook: 8.99 €You can buy it here.

Jean Swinney is a feature writer at a local newspaper in post-war London. When a young Swiss woman contacts her claiming that her daughter is the fruit of a virgin conception, Jean must find out if it is a miracle or a fraud.

lumen. 152 pages. €17.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

With echoes of H. G. Wells, Stevenson and classical mythology, Sainz Borgo traps the reader in a dream world dominated by the adventurous doctor Schubert, a character as out of time as reality who tells this transgressive parable.

Renaissance. 512 pages. €33.90You can buy it here.

A literary trip to New York is the excuse for the protagonist of Méndez-Leite’s novel, the professor Pedro Liniers, to reflect on his life and his relationships with the women who have come across his life, the real ones and the invented ones.

Translation by Carmen Montes. Maeva. 464 pages. €22.90 Ebook: €10.99 You can buy it here.

The queen of noir returns to Fjällbacka with a story that connects the murder of a transsexual in the 80s with a tragedy at the home of a Nobel Prize winner.

tusquets. 288 pages. €19 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

With scents of The Name of the Rose, this work introduces us to the intrepid Gonzalo de Berceo, who in the middle of the 13th century is determined to find the murderer of a monk in the Silos monastery.

Translation by Rosa Pérez. Duomo. 320 pages. 18 €You can buy it here.

This mysterious and absorbing novel is one of the first entries in Duomo’s new collection of noir classics from the British Library.

Translation by F. J. Glez. Alfaguara. 472 pages. €21.90 Ebook: €9.99 You can buy it here.

Dazieri, one of Europe’s masters of the thriller, will surprise the reader with this addictive kidnapping story full of revenge, intrigue and all the other keys to the genre.

Destination. 464 pages. €20.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

Inspector Malart disappears after the murder of some former enemies that went unpunished. Has he crossed the line? The answer, in this twist to the genre of Sáinz de la Maza.

Translation by Fernando Otero. Impedimentary. 120 pages. 24.95 €You can buy it here.

As a child, the famous Russian writer Lev Tolstoy had “an indecent facility for crying.” And when he was older, he spent his life crying: for his dog, for a poem, for his lost childhood. In this collage of real and fictional moments, outlined with delightful illustrations, Katia Guschina invites us to peek into the more or less secret soul of a literary giant.

Alfaguara. 320 pages. 18.95 € Ebook: 7.99 €You can buy it here.

On the 50th anniversary of the publication of this great children’s classic from the author of The Neverending Story, the suggestive and colorful illustrations by Ayesha L. Rubio give new life to the story of this girl with the wonderful gift of making everyone feel good. who listens to her and her fight against the sinister gray men, who try to take over people’s time.

Oberon. 224 pages. €21.95 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

Using Don Quixote as the common thread, the fourth installment in this series of philosophical books shows that learning and boredom are far from being synonymous. On this occasion, it is Spanish philosophy -misunderstood, barely told and even denied- that comes to the fore in this fun volume, with humorous illustrations and many surprises for the reader.

Translation by Luis T. Bonmati. Kingdom of Cordelia. 744 pages. €42.95You can buy it here.

Top of the Latin epic, as much as it was an imperial hagiographic commission, the Aeneid is one of those essential books for any reader. Now it can be addressed in this new translation, beautifully illustrated by Fernando del Barrio, which combines fidelity to the Latin original with language that is as natural as possible and with numerous brief clarifications and marginal notes that favor the understanding of the exciting adventure of Aeneas.

Translation by Regina Lopez. Salamander Graphic. 104 pages. 21 € Ebook: 8.99 €You can buy it here.

Satirical, witty and with keen observation, in this collection of cartoons published in The Guardian between 2002 and 2005, Simmonds paints a ruthless portrait of the literary world. From female writers suffering from “rural blockade” to authors suffering from “acute egotitis” to small booksellers struggling to survive among recalcitrant customers and profiteering sales agents, this fresco will make the reader laugh.

Translation by Rumi Sato. Nordic. 96 pages.19.50 € Ebook: 8.99 €You can buy it here.

While the painter Yoshihide makes a screen that represents the eight regions of Burning Hell, in which the damned are tormented in the midst of ferocious flames, a series of inexplicable events take place. Simplicity, elegance, intelligence and irony go hand in hand in this story by the neorealist writer Akutagawa, never before translated into Spanish.

lumen. 232 pages. €21.90 Ebook: €7.99You can buy it here.

From Emilia Pardo Bazán to Carmen Martín Gaite, from María Lejárraga to Elena Fortún and Carmen Laforet, Carmen G. de la Cueva in this book covers the moving and uplifting story of those women who found in writing and friendship the strength to believe in themselves. A powerful genealogy narrated with the accompaniment of the beautiful illustrations of Ana Jarén.

Translation by Miguel Azaola. Blackie Books. 128 pages. 19 €You can buy it here.

Raoul Taburin, the owner of the most famous bicycle workshop in France, has an unspeakable secret. Despite the fact that his repair skills are such that bicycles are called “taburinas” throughout his region, he does not know how to ride a bike. One year after the death of the legendary French cartoonist, Blackie Books recovers this classic that includes the last interview that Sempé gave to Le Monde.

edelvives. 96 pages. €25.50You can buy it here.

A prodigious and subtle illustrator who has been confronting the classic tales of the Western imagination for years, the Frenchman Lacombe faces a double challenge when illustrating this well-known story by Andersen: fleeing from the clichés that drag the figure of the fish woman. And what if he succeeds in this wonderful edition based on the original version, translated directly from Danish, and which includes letters from the author and an epilogue with a possible interpretation of the story.

Lunwerg. 112 pages. €22.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

A tribute to Spain and its people, Campos de Castilla is a key work of 20th-century Spanish poetry and marked a before and after in the career and life of Antonio Machado. With an overflowing sensitivity, David de las Heras illustrates the collection of poems through a wide range of colors, different artistic genres and pictorial references that refer to the Golden Age and the country’s history. A new vision of an immortal classic.

Translation by Rosa Perez and Pilar Alba. Debate. 624 pages. €25.90 Ebook: €12.99 You can buy it here.

In this gripping essay, the Indian Pulitzer Prize winner traces the biography of the cell, that tiny, self-regulating, self-regulating unit that makes all known life possible: from the 17th century, when scientist Robert Hooke coined the term, to the current cutting-edge technology to manipulate and deploy cells for therapeutic purposes, going through the cell theory formulated in 1830.

Destination. 656 pages. €21.90 Ebook: €11.99You can buy it here.

Informative, lucid and ingenious, the new book by the biologist and paleontologist invites us to discover in a simple and entertaining way that prodigy of evolution that is our body. Based on the observation that the arts have made of it over the centuries, and juicy evolutionary data, Arsuaga glosses the wonders that compose it and how and why it has changed over time.

Translation by Àlex Guàrdia. Harp. 180 pages. €17.90 Ebook: €12.99 You can buy it here.

Is religion dangerous? And spirituality? Is it arrogant to be an atheist? About 15 years ago, when the “new atheism” movement was beginning to emerge, four of the most important thinkers in science -Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens- met for a drink and as an experiment they recorded the conversation. This is the groundbreaking result.

Translation by Ambrosio Garcia. Tuskets. 320 pages. 22 € Ebook: 9.99 €You can buy it here.

Far from considering the brain as a super-complicated computer, Hawkins, an engineer expert in neuroscience, describes it as a memory system that stores and reproduces experiences. Thus, he embarks us on a hectic journey that ends up affirming that intelligence depends on a unique and relatively simple algorithm that Artificial Intelligence will be able to emulate very soon.

Ariel. 208 pages. €18.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

Scientific disseminator of successful books such as Inventing in the desert and Las calculadoras de estrellas, Delgado covers in this surprising essay the day-to-day life of many historical periods to show us how the most daily events -daily hygiene, eating certain foods or our way of work – are the result of the slow evolution of centuries, and even millennia.

Cliff. 592 pages. €24You can buy it here.

This anthology collects 40 years of verses from the 2022 National Poetry Prize, “the most Greek of our modern writers,” says Jaime Siles.

tusquets. 272 pages. €18 Ebook: €7.99You can buy it here.

Sánchez Rosillo had never published a book on poetry. He now does so by offering through essays, interviews and verse a wide and varied fresh of his poetic thought.

Broken glass. 72 pages. €18You can buy it here.

In this work, Carlos Aganzo combines two spiritual traditions, the Chinese of the poet Si Kongtu with the maxims of the monastic reformer Bernardo de Claraval.

José Manuel Lara Foundation. 112 pages. €11.90 Ebook: €5.99You can buy it here.

The poems in Flores de fuego, written between 2018 and 2022, are based on aesthetic conceptions based on classicism and natural language, testing new forms and tones.

Rialp. 74 pages. €10 Ebook: €4.99You can buy it here.

“For his sense of rhythm, his respect for the teachers and his rejection of any formal tear and all unnecessary flourishes”, Escavy was awarded the last Adonáis Award.

Translation by M. Dolores Abalos. Ariel. 592 pages. €24.90 Ebook: €10.99 You can buy it here.

The professor from the University of Liverpool offers us an exciting journey through the life of the human being and the importance of music in its evolution.

Translation by F. Lopez and V. Minguet. Cliff. 224 pages. 22 €You can buy it here.

In this selection of conferences, articles and interviews, the Spanish-Argentine conductor and pianist renounces defining music to try to understand the world through sound.

Forcola. 228 pages. €22.50You can buy it here.

After the success of La música invisible, the journalist and musicologist gathers the musical memories that have marked him the most: Oistrakh, Abbado, Pollini…

Translation by Celia Garcia. Peripheral

The cabinetmaker Grégoire Coblence discovers behind the lining of a cello case an old score that could belong to Scarlatti, perhaps the unpublished and mysterious Sonata 556.

Berenice. 384 pages. €19.95You can buy it here.

A century of Russian music by Rachmaninov, Stravinsky, Prokofiev and Shostakovich: from the last years of Tsarism to the fall of the USSR, passing through the terrifying Stalin dictatorship.

Translation by Gracia Rodríguez. Captain Swing. 408 pages. €23You can buy it here.

Hunger, thirst and long marches under a relentless sun. This, among other things, is what Thesiger learned when he wandered for five years through the deserts of Arabia, which he here describes.

Translation by Miguel Ángel Navarrete. Chair. 264 pages. €28.50 Ebook: €19.99You can buy it here.

Jules Verne’s culminating book in which his fetish themes are appreciated: science, the power of nature and mystery. What does the mysterious island hide? An incomparable classic that should always travel in the suitcase.

Translation by Isabel-Clara Lorda. Siruela. 208 pages. €21.95 Ebook: €9.99 You can buy it here.

The great Dutch author, one of the quintessential literary travelers, has spent four decades researching Japan’s landscape, architecture, poetry, and history. Hence, this volume is a very deep travel notebook on the often unknown country of Japan.

Peninsula. 352 pages. €19.90 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

“A quixotic river, almost mystical, that bravely and recklessly entered an impassable jungle…”. Along 4,700 km, the Congo River is an open door to the tradition of the peoples who inhabit its banks. A fascinating journey that the consummate expert journalist in Africa takes us on.

Translation by Marta López. Nordic. 96 pages. 12.95 € Ebook: 6.99 €You can buy it here.

The intrepid German author introduces us to women caught up in historic moments throughout 500 years of Haitian history, from the time of Columbus to 1970. Portraits that inspire compassion and humility.

Translation by Juan Trejo. Folch

Account of the days when Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke were searching for the location of the source of the Nile River. Both tried to take credit and became enemies.

Forcola. 276 pages. €25.50You can buy it here.

On the fundamental principle that supports the love of geographical knowledge: that the landscape is territory plus culture, the geographer and narrator takes us on a journey through the libraries of authors such as Von Humboldt, Verne or Hergé.

Editions of the Wind. 216 pages. €21You can buy it here.

German Prize for Youth Literature in 1958, this beautiful novel is about the inhabitants of the Sahara, the Tuareg. A story of love and adventure in a world where water is a treasure and camels are the center of the economy.

Forcola. 354 pages. €25.50You can buy it here.

“Ciudad de papel” with an enviable list of writers, the Adriatic city keeps echoes of a cultural and sentimental universe that is that of a Europe that has long since disappeared. A unique journey into which this essay drags us.

Translation by Juan Antonio Mendez. Antonio Machado Books. 464 pages. 22.90 €You can buy it here.

With a fun style and overwhelming documentation, Brilli weaves in this classic a network of stories of the great travelers of the initiatory Grand Tour, a route of knowledge whose spell does not fade over the centuries.

Astiberri. 152 pages. €30You can buy it here.

Before dying, the writer Fernando Marías (1958-2022) met again with Javier Olivares to delve once more into the mysterious figure of the illustrator Joaquín Pertierra.

Salamander Graphic 256 pages. €22You can buy it here.

Emotional approach to the militant youth of the former Uruguayan president, this novel combines commitment with shootings, imprisonment and escapes.

The Dome. 148 pages. €15.90You can buy it here.

La Cúpula recovers the out-of-print debut of the multi-award-winning author of Debris and Flow, a transgressive and absolutely delirious fable by the Canadian.

Translation by Ladislao Bapory. Alliance. 192 pages. 20.95 €You can buy it here.

This complex account chronicles the historical impact and significance of the Black Panthers through two decades of activism and violence.

Panini. 176 pages. €20You can buy it here.

John Cassaday and John Ney Riebere address in this new installment of the Marvel Must-Have series an approach in which the hero faces the horror of 9/11.

Taschen. 512 pages. €25You can buy it here.

The most exhaustive edition of the disturbing universe of El Bosco, to whom, despite his great influence in the history of art, only twenty paintings and eight drawings can be attributed with complete certainty.

Dalpine. 124 pages. €42You can buy it here.

A selection of the dinosaurs (real or not) that Joan Fontcuberta has photographed since 1989 at archaeological sites, natural history museums or theme parks.

Espasa. 208 pages. €21.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

After the success of El jardín del Prado, the botanical researcher traces the history of garden painting, one of the most sophisticated cultural expressions.

Inst. Monsa of Editions. 256 pages. 42 €You can buy it here.

This engaging essay compiles 18 architectural projects that illustrate the magnitude of container architecture and its affordable, mobile, and sustainable features.

Translation by José Ramón Monreal. Elba. 152 pages. €21.50You can buy it here.

With solvency and humor, the expert French journalist Harry Bellet reveals the ins and outs of eight notorious artistic scandals related to fraud, lies and manipulation.

Criticism. 664 pages. €26.90 Ebook: €11.99You can buy it here.

A frantic trip to revolutionary Paris in which hour by hour and in great detail the events that led to the death of the man who established the terror are described.

Edition and prologue by Ana María Martínez. Destination. 176 pages. €19.50 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

Gathered together for the first time, Delibes’s speeches lead us to reflect on issues as diverse as ecology, freedom of expression or the ethical dimension of writing.

Edited by F. J. Tapiador. Renaissance. 404 pages. 23.90 € Ebook: 7.50 €You can buy it here.

This edition, with a new prologue that contextualizes it, reproduces the original text and cartography from 1913 on the heroic defense of the city’s inhabitants against the conquest by Rome in the year 133 BC. c.

The walk. 256 pages. €21.95You can buy it here.

A fundamental book to find out who Gonzalo Queipo de Llano really was, beyond the legend forged during the Civil War and the postwar period, and how he became a true viceroyalty during the Franco regime.

Main of the Books. 384 pages. €21.90 Ebook: €8.99You can buy it here.

Just as Virginia Woolf claimed her own room for women writers, Sandra Ferrer Valero claims her own space for the forgotten painters in the history of art.

Meeting. 272 pages. €20 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

Biographical approach to one of the most important politicians in the contemporary history of Spain, based on the new contributions made since the centenary of his death.

Taurus. 400 pages. €22.90 Ebook: €9.99You can buy it here.

The German historian recounts day by day the time that elapsed between Hitler’s suicide and the end of the War, taking the reader into a world that is collapsing, full of drama, violence, hope and fear.

Translated by Elena Gallego and Miguel E. Perez. Alliance. 744 pages. €18.50 Ebook: €10.99 You can buy it here.

A work that allows both the specialist and the general public to look at all aspects of ancient magic and its importance in Greco-Roman society, and a journey through the evolution of the occult sciences.

Cliff. 432 pages. €25You can buy it here.

An approach to the reality of the garden from multiple perspectives: the itinerary through past and present Edens, to understand its function in the urban fabric and the manifestations it has had in literature and art.

Translation by Tomás Fernández Aúz. Captain Swing. 472 pages. €25You can buy it here.

An original, entertaining and enlightening guide to a completely different world: England in the Middle Ages, through a time machine that takes the reader to the heart of the 14th century.

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