The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported on early Friday morning for the second Time in a row, more than 1000 Covid-19 infections in Germany. The RKI said the number 1147, in total, there are 214.214 confirmed cases. The number of deaths in connection with the Coronavirus rose by eight to 9183. On the day before the health authorities had reported to the RKI 1045 new infections within 24 hours.

Among the Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia registered a 444, most of the new cases. It Hesse with 158 and Bavaria, with 128 new infections impact. The threshold of 1000 new Corona cases was last updated on August 7. May have been exceeded. After that, the number was decreased in tendency, since the end of July, the values rise again. The peak in new infections was achieved in early April with more than 6000.

The reproduction number, in short the R-value, according to the RKI estimates at 0.99 (before: 0.9) of. This means that an Infected in the Mediterranean infects about one other people. The R-value in each case forms the infection from happening about a week and a half before.

in Addition to the RKI, a so-called Seven-days-R. It refers to a longer period of time and is therefore subject to less current fluctuations. This value was 1.06 (previous day: 0,97). He shows that the Infection occurred from 8 to 16 days.

Spahn: With 1000 new infections can be avoided

the Federal health Minister Jens Spahn made it clear that he could see currently, there is no critical threshold is exceeded. “At the Moment we are, in each case, in a size order, with the health care and the public health service deal with it,” said the CDU politician on Thursday night, the ZDF”heute Journal”. “If we can stabilize us now, on a certain level, then we can deal with it. If the Numbers continue to rise, then it’s up to us all to pay attention in everyday life to each other and to not make further measures necessary.“

Spahn underscore the line, in the case of the cases, especially on regional measures. On the question of when a type of Lockdown will be necessary, he stressed, there was “a number that everything can be reduced”. “It is the increase in factor – how much the dynamic of the infection is going to happen? It is the absolute number of infections. With the 1000 new infections per day, the health care system can handle.“

rigor required

SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil called for a stricter crackdown against people who violate the mask duty. “Those who threaten lightly, not at a distance, and the mask of duty to ignore, so that the children go back to school and jobs can be saved”, he is the editor-in network in Germany. “This is inconsiderate and irresponsible. However, we must speak.“ He expects, for example, of Deutsche Bahn, that she sets the mask duty on their trains consistently. Several States have recently announced to tighten their gait against the mask objectors.

With a view to the increased Numbers Klingbeil warned: “If we are not careful, are at risk the successes of the past months in the fight against Corona.” All would have to maintain a mask of duty and clearance rules. “It is not in the interest of all, that Germany will slip into a second wave.”