When it comes to their children, parents usually only the Best. This good-will is mixed but with a problematic cultural or religious practices, this can have sustained psychological and physical consequences for the child. Just girls and young women suffer today in many developing countries are still subject to discrimination, child marriage and female genital mutilation. The world, the United Nations population Fund (UNFPA) notes in his on Tuesday published the world’s population report that despite the positive developments the progress made so far suffice to genital mutilation is abolished in the case of girls up to 2030.

Under the title “Against my will – practices end, the women and girls, harm and gender equality to prevent” deals, this year’s report with the issues of female genital mutilation, early marriage and sex selection against girls. “Harmful practices are the expression of it, that girls and women can decide freely about their bodies and their lives. It is essential that, in particular, in the countries concerned frankly about the impact of these practices is spoken and education takes place,“ says Jan Kreutzberg, managing Director of the German Foundation for world population.

Until today, 200 million women and girls have already become the world’s victims of female genital mutilation, according to estimates alone are in jeopardy this year of 4.1 million girls. As a human rights violation of the applicable practice is especially prevalent in Africa. According to the report, between 2004 and 2018, about 97 percent of the fifteen had to – to nineteen-year-old Somali female, the violent intervention of suffering, followed by Guinea with 92 and Mali to 86 percent. Except in the case of African countries the procedure is widely used also in Yemen and Iraq, as well as other Asian countries. People from countries from Hiking, in which this practice is common, take the practice often. So 513000 girls and women in the United States, actually or potentially, a victim of female genital mutilation were, according to the 2012 report.

Every day, approximately 33,000 minors

married Although child marriages are banned from almost everywhere in the world are married every day, about 33,000 minors. This is especially prevalent in poor and underdeveloped countries, in uneducated groups of the population and in times of crisis. According to the report, until this year, 650 million girls and women have been married in child age. Alone in 2019, 20 percent of 20-to 24-year-old women in the world already before the age of 18. Years of age to be married. In Niger, the country with the highest rates of child marriage, it was 76 percent.