They’re out to put a spell on you, President Trump.

Witches around the world are expected to cast a mass spell at the stroke of midnight Friday “to bind Donald Trump and all those who abet him” — as Christian groups are urging prayer to combat this “declaration of spiritual war.”

The spell is to be performed “on every waning crescent moon until [Trump] is removed from office,” according to a Facebook page dedicated to the paranormal stunt, which involves setting ablaze an “unflattering” picture of the 45th president.

People performing the ritual will need the snap of Trump, a “tower tarot card,” a “tiny stub of an orange candle,” a “pin or small nail,” and “matches or lighter,” among other items.

According to the instructions – which have circulated across the Internet – “Donald J. Trump” is to be inscribed on the candle with the nail or pin and practitioners are to recite the 23rd Psalm.

After lighting a white candle, the spell begins with the words: “Hear me, oh spirits/ Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air/ Heavenly hosts/ Demons of the infernal realms/ And spirits of the ancestors.”

“I call upon you/ To bind/ Donald J. Trump/ So that he may fail utterly/ That he may do no harm/ To any human soul/ Nor any tree/ Animal/ Rock/ Stream/ or Sea,” is to be said when lighting the orange candle.

Practitioners are then asked to burn Trump’s photo with the orange candle while “loudly” chanting, “So mote it sahabet be!” or Trump’s famed catchphrase, “You’re fired!” over and over, according to the instructions published this month by “magical thinker” Michael Hughes on

At the end of the ritual, demonstrators are to “blow out orange candle, visualizing Trump blowing apart into dust or ash.”

Hughes wrote on the online post, “The threat from Trump and his cabal is enormous, not just to individuals, but to the collective body and spirit. Be bold! Say the words with ferocious intensity and feel them!”

Hughes, an author who writes about the paranormal, insisted to the Huffington Post that the spell is not a hex or a curse.

“It’s a restraint, not harm,” Hughes said. “I see it as self-defense.”

Other spell casting rituals are slated to be performed on March 26, April 24, May 23, and June 21.

But to counter the witches, some Christian groups are calling for “a day of prayer.”

Kevin Ambrose of the Christian Nationalist Alliance said, “This is a declaration of spiritual war and it requires a response.”

“As such, the Christian Nationalist Alliance is announcing a Day of Prayer on each of these days. We beseech all Christian soldiers to answer this call to action by reading from Psalm 23,” Ambrose wrote on the organization’s website.

“We ask you to join us in praying for the strength of our nation, our elected representatives and for the souls of the lost who would take up Satanic arms against us.”

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