Several prominent figures in the UK, including those in the arts, business, journalism, and politics, have come together to appeal to the Vatican regarding the Traditional Latin Mass. The group, consisting of both Catholic and non-Catholic individuals, expressed their concerns about potential new restrictions on the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in a letter published in the Times of London on July 3.

The letter, signed by more than 40 individuals, highlighted the cultural and spiritual significance of the Traditional Latin Mass, emphasizing its importance as a valuable heritage that has inspired great works of art across various mediums. The signatories, which include well-known personalities such as Agatha Christie, Paul Smith, and Tom Holland, urged the Holy See to reconsider any further limitations on access to this form of the Mass.

The appeal made reference to a similar plea made in 1971, which had successfully reached Pope Paul VI, leading to the granting of permission for Traditional Latin Masses to be offered on special occasions. The current letter expressed concerns over rumors of a Vatican crackdown on the Traditional Latin Mass, with reports suggesting the possible implementation of stringent measures to restrict its celebration.

While the existence of a specific document outlining these new restrictions has not been confirmed, some Vatican officials have indicated that such a draft may be in existence. The motivations behind these potential measures vary, with some advocating for a form of “quarantine” for traditionalist Catholics, while others seek a more comprehensive suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass.

The signatories of the letter emphasized the need to preserve the traditional liturgy for its cultural and historical significance, citing its ability to foster silence and contemplation as a unique treasure that should not be overlooked. They argued that the destruction of this form of the Mass would be an unnecessary and insensitive act, particularly in a world where historical traditions are often forgotten.

The letter, described as ecumenical and non-political, received support from a diverse group of individuals, including musicians, composers, members of Parliament, and public figures from various fields. The appeal for religious freedom and the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass has garnered significant attention and support from those who value its contribution to both spiritual and cultural heritage.