Still, women are confronted with sexism. Still your needs and your reality of life to be observed in the political discourse hardly. Still loud and brash women are considered to be unpleasant. Still mostly men occupy managerial positions. Women today still find in our language, almost no space and have to live with it, just to be included. Women today still take on the majority of the house work and teaching. Still women pay a lot of for hygiene products such as Tampons. Still, the majority of the politicians in Switzerland, is a male. Women are still being reduced to your Appearance. Still, women have an uneasy feeling in your stomach when you are alone at night on the road. Still, women are not often taken seriously when they report experiences of sexual violence. Still you will be booed on the road downstream. Unasked. Still, women’s bodies are sexualized in advertising. Still women are dying due to domestic violence. And still, mainly immigrant women, black women, Women of Color and people of non-traditional gender roles, several times, of the many disadvantages are concerned.

Unfortunately, this list can be endless continue. But it suffices to illustrate that since the big woman’s strike is still far too little has changed. And why are the women still have countless reasons to be angry. the