Once you established the eyes towards the sky and looked at the love of God. Then we looked at the Contrails of the aircraft. For three months, nature inspired Look enjoy-in-the-air in a sky without anything.

Yes, the air space is cleaned by the technical dirt of civilization. However, not for long. Again Aeroplane of your are harmful to the environment-tracks, sparse, still, but determined.

it’s morning already so, how it went yet? The plight of the mass culture, as if nothing had happened: no Virus, no Reflection – no sign of heaven?

This can not be. This must not be. Everything must be according to the pandemic shock is different and if not different, then at least better, and subito, as the question is one that was read at a GLANCE as the title to: “If not now, then when?”

In fact, the best zip just the most amazing ideas in the political space. 27 000 scientists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is linked to the Initiative “Scientists for the Future”, and founder of Maja Göpel postulated, what happened to: “to renegotiate what constitutes the welfare of the people, the day after tomorrow.”

Indeed a noble goal. The Golden age “the day after Tomorrow” should be equated to the plant. The Corona state of emergency as a reason to prescribe the stop of the economy in a new direction. “Sustainability” is the magic word that will open the doors to Paradise. Industries and companies should be encouraged, provided that they produce lasting, sustainable services.

Who could be against that?

Ecologists, and political scientists have politics and the economy, the way in which the citizens in the future should walk.

According to the virologists, the Wirtschaftologen.

Perhaps it is time to let the time just a little more time, as the former French President François Mitterrand, a fine Intellectual, he was also, was once so wise to keep in mind. Democracy means slowing down to give the intelligent discussion area.

What the eager world umbauer just says Haste is a bad counselor, even for a Revolutionary.

Who is the last of the times before the Corona to the dark horror image of a ruthless manufacturing and uninhibited Western civilization consume pictures, the abused, the health politically attached to the state of emergency for their own purposes. For our own good purposes, of course, as always, are justified, good, best, best of all, the purpose of what the exception States.

How about a return to normality?

The people who had to endure with their children in three-room apartments, you want to exit the car with your Petrol; the months unemployed air-hostesses to take care of your passengers; the short-time workers in the industry want to work.

Yes, the countless ordinary people, the small citizens small citizens, the Waiting of the elite, so lightly despised Spiesser – you are asking for their right. On your everyday life. With Law.

all of This would be on the part of the thinker, at the least, keep in mind, if you suggest the Western world as a controlling misery and impending doom – and the weird formula of Theodor W. Adorno in the 1950s to follow, which reads as:

“There is no right life in the wrong one.”

Because this is exactly what the current black painting is: The people living now, living a false life, because the right thing looming in the future as salvation from the misery of the capitalist, so wrong everyday.

But the people live the life they are living. It is your sole. You want it to be answered in the affirmative, that are successful to be happy.

discuss What presumption, people in real life!

beneath The image of the gloomy existence, illuminated only by the track at the end of the Promises, is proclaimed with the claim, the unsuspecting to the right to Do in your false life guide to educate you. In Germany, a whole party of this educational task is devoted to the Green.

It was the fascist state theorist and Nazi Kronjurist Carl Schmitt, who declared: “the Sovereign, who decides the state of exception.”

Corona was a state of emergency, remains even to another state of exception, which relates to the consequences for politics, Economics and society.

plans are suspects Who, according to the cleaning Lockdown of fresh air for its world-enhancement, which should put the nose first, into the democracy book.