The message awakens evil memories of the beginnings of the pandemic in Wuhan: A Beijing wholesale market, in the meat, fish and vegetables were sold, is at the center of a new Coronavirus outbreak, with more than 50 new infections. In the majority of Infected, it should be dealer of the Xinfadi market in the South of the city, the rest were visitors of the market. Many of them had been tested, although they showed no symptoms. A mass trial of more than 500 people had been arranged, after in the course of the week, first payments were found to be new cases in connection with the market.

Friederike Böge

Political correspondent for East Asia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

For Beijing, this is a shock: Nearly two months no new cases were reported in the capital, and more. Just many of the strict restrictions had been loosened. This Monday the school was for First and third graders start again. But that has now been cancelled. Even kindergartens are now to remain closed. The Region around the market, the largest in Beijing, has a spaciously. Residential settlements in the area, as well as another, ten miles distant market were sealed off. Many provinces and cities have imposed mandatory Quarantine for people arriving from the capital.

escape from the holiday resorts

The thwarted the vacation plans of many in Beijing, who wanted to make due to the massively restricted, international air transport holidays in their own country. You had to appreciate just learned of their newfound freedom of movement. Because until recently you couldn’t leave the city, because otherwise you will have to comply with in the case of the return of 14 days of quarantine had. Some Beijing travelers fled from their holiday places, to avoid a forced stay in a quarantine hotel. On the approaches to many bar streets in Beijing, the checks with health were reinforced Apps. Every city in China has its own Software, which evaluates whether a Person has recently visited a city district or external cities with increased risk of Infection. In the nightlife district of Sanlitun have been introduced at the weekend, part, additional QR-Code-based systems, in which visitors had to enter.