have not used After several Union representatives of the SPD were accused, in the negotiations for the stimulus package will be enough for the auto industry, has rejected the SPD Chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans, this criticism is now sharp. To say that “the SPD’s neglect of the industry workforce and have the objections of the employees perceived ownership of the equipment, is not with a view to this industry politically jam-Packed full stimulus package said in order,” Walter-Borjans, of the F. A. Z. To refuse to provide an expensive and in the action of many professionals icon, questioned the “demand of the car industry” episode. “It is clear that The SPD has been set in each of the coalition Committee, the interests of the workforce high on the agenda. That was also the last Time so. And the man looks at the stimulus package, too.“

Mona Jaeger

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Earlier, several trade Union representatives had criticised the SPD for your course harsh. “You have to also on the industry and the workers look, if you want to keep, the AfD is small,” said the Chairman of the German trade Union Federation (DGB), Reiner Hoffmann, the newspaper “world on Sunday” to the address of the SPD.

The Daimler group works Council Chairman Michael Brecht accused the party top, you need to hear, answer but the questions had not been asked. “The balanced middle is missing,” said Brecht, the “world on Sunday”. The SPD could not hold as a people’s party. Brecht described the course of the party leadership as a “left-populist”. He question of who should be elected by the employees in the car industry or the social Democrats.

“record profits of previous years

Walter-Borjans, insert” also rejected the accusation that he don’t talk enough with the trade Union representatives. “I was and am in regular direct discussions with the DGB Chairman Reiner Hoffmann, and with the heads of the IG metal, but also of the other unions. We will also continue to be so.“ Not all would see a car purchase premium “as the A and O of a target-oriented industrial policy”. “Nevertheless, I do not question that the automotive industry is the key industry in Germany.” It is not in order, when automakers shifted their workforce in worry, because they put the preservation of jobs in a direct connection with a subsidy of the purchase price by the taxpayers. “I’m sticking to it: If the German car manufacturer of a purchase premium, the promise of additional revenue, then you should use parts of their record profits of recent years.”

The Federal government had decided to make the purchase of cars with internal combustion engines with a bonus to boost. Also, large parts of the CDU to doubt the Usefulness of such a premium. The baden-württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green) is not called, however, “strange”, when “professional politicians” know that 80 percent of the value added would be generated in the automotive industry from Suppliers and service providers and not by the vehicle manufacturers themselves.

In the first four months of this year, orders from the automotive industry declined due to the Corona-crisis, to 32 per cent.; domestic demand fell in April to 70 percent. In 2019, the share of E-cars, which will be funded by the stimulus package, more was the number of new registrations in three per cent.