In the case of a terrorist attack on a Hotel in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, at least five people have been killed. According to police, a suicide bomber detonated on Sunday will begin with a car bomb in front of the entrance, and then several Armed men – suspected Islamist extremists – the Elite Hotel stormed on Lido beach. In the evening, security forces fought battles with the attackers. The police feared that they may have taken hostages.

Among the victims were two security guards of the hotel were, as a police spokesman said. The number of victims could still rise. The Hotel is a popular meeting place of politicians and journalists.

First, no one confessed to the attack. Similar attacks had been perpetrated in the past, the militia Al-Shabaab. The Islamic fundamentalists to fight in the poor country in the Horn of Africa for years for supremacy and control of large parts of the South and centre of the country. The government is supported in the fight against Al-Shabaab by the us military flies air strikes, and troops of the African Union (AU).