As a diplomatic victory over Washington, the Iranian leadership celebrates the security Council, the defeat of the United States in the UN. America has never been in the 75-year history of the United Nations as isolated, exultant, the spokesman for the Iranian foreign Ministry, Abbas Mousawi. Despite the pressure and lobbying is only a small country, the Dominican Republic, supported the draft resolution of the government Trump did decide against Iran, an unlimited arms embargo. Germany, France and the UK had abstained from the vote.

Rainer Hermann

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

The Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, Madschid Tacht-Ravanchi called on the United States, to learn from this “debacle”. He was from the result of the vote, that in the coming days of the American experiment to Failure was condemned in the UN security Council a majority for the re-establishment of the UN sanctions against Iran to get the release of the “Snapback”mechanism. The attempt to do that, have no legal basis, said Tacht-Ravanchi.

Iran had already argued before the vote in the UN security Council, multilateralism, defending is no longer Washington, but rather the Islamic Republic. The Iranian Ambassador to the UN-interpreted later, the vote as a “no to us unilateralism”. This was the clear message.

Common strategic interests

In this sense, the Iranian Ambassador in Moscow, Kazem Jalali, praised the Russian Veto against the American resolution draft. The Russian behavior to show how determined and “constructive” Moscow international opposition to legal support and any kind of unilateralism. The connecting Moscow with Tehran, because Iran respect international law and hold themselves in the fight against global threats and international cooperation, claimed Jalali. This is the only way peace and stability could be ensured.

in addition to Moscow and Beijing vetoed the us draft. Iran can thus rely on Russia and China. Behind the Argument of the three countries to defend multilateralism, however, hides the long-term strategy of the three countries, to change the Status quo for their own advantage.

In the cut-throat competition with America

In the foreground, Moscow and Tehran, the United States to challenge and push back act. The beneficiaries of this development, especially the people’s Republic of China, the encounter with your long-term project “One Belt One Road” in the gaps that the slow withdrawal of American leaves is.