As the rank of the highest member of a American government for more than 40 years, Minister of health, Alex Azar, has arrived on Sunday to a visit to Taiwan. Azar wants to inform about the achievements of Taiwan in the fight against the Corona of a pandemic. His machine landed in the afternoon, in the Songshan airport, according to the news Agency CNA reported. Azar, the highest-ranking American representative to Taiwan visits since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the people’s Republic of China in the Jahr1979. Beijing is very angry about that.

Azar is scheduled to meet on Monday with President Tsai Ing-wen, Minister of foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, and the Minister of health Chen Shih-chung, together. The American foreign Ministry had praised Taiwan last week as a “model for transparency and cooperation in the field of global health during the Covid-19 pandemic, and long before that”. In Taiwan, with 23.8 million residents, there has been only 480 Coronavirus infections and seven Deaths. In the United States, with its 330 million inhabitants, according to Johns Hopkins University so far, almost five million infections and more than 162,000 Dead.

The Communist leadership of China dieInsel as the part of the people’s Republic, although they never belonged to her. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said, the United States should not stop any official exchanges with Taiwan, in order to damage relations with Beijing seriously. The “One-China principle” was a “political basis” of the relationship. Azar had pointed to the cooperation with Taiwan to expand. Free and democratic societies, the “best model, in order to protect and promote health are”.