President Donald Trump tried to decrees the economic distress of Americans to avert, after the parties in Congress were unable to agree on a new rescue package. The orders until the beginning of December, temporary relief for the unemployed of $ 400 in the week, a deferral of the payment of social security contributions, relief for student loans, and protective measures against evictions. The negotiating politicians in Congress were fell apart on Saturday without reaching a compromise.

Winand von Petersdorff-Campen

Economics correspondent in Washington.

F. A. Z.

For many millions of unemployed, the financial situation is difficult, because the Federal government pays off since the end of July, no unemployment benefits, and more. The weekly payment of up to $ 600 had been provided in the large rescue package in the spring with a deadline for now. Thus, the unemployed have to rely on the assistance of their respective Federal States amount to an average of 330 dollars a week, and also for a limited time.

decrees without effect?

The effect of the four decrees, the Trump signed on Saturday, is unclear. Democratic, but some Republican politicians are practiced in a first reaction to criticism. Democrats rated the decrees were largely ineffective. The prominent Republican Senator Ben Sasse from Nebraska doubts that the arrangements of the Constitution are in accordance with. The President did not have the Power to change the tax law. The Congress is responsible.

The renowned constitutional lawyer, Daniel Hemel, however, is a sharp critic of trump and the Republican party, sees the decrees, in accordance with the Constitution. The Professor at the University of Chicago, doubted but the big material impact of the decrees. The most important arrangement is the Emergency unemployment assistance, the to 5. December, so it can run up to a month after the presidential election.