Bernie Sanders tweets during the Super Bowl to urge Biden to cancel student loans

According to polling, the majority of Americans do not believe that Biden will cancel student loans.
Sanders is a vocal supporter of student loan cancellation and has proposed a plan to eliminate $1.6 trillion of student debt by imposing a tax on Wall Street banks in 2019.
Sanders stated that the proposal would make it possible for all Americans to receive a college education, regardless of their financial status. “We will make complete and comprehensive education a fundamental human right.”

Joe Biden, a presidential candidate, advocated that $10,000 of federal student loan debt be cancelled per borrower. In a recent poll , voters were skeptical that Biden would fulfill his campaign promise of removing $10,000 worth of federal student loan debt per borrower.

21% of Americans believe that Biden will make some or all progress this year in student loan forgiveness, but 59 percent of Americans think he will not make much or any progress in cancelling student debt.
A number of House Democrats, including Reps. Ilhanomar, D.Minn., Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) and AyannaPressley, D.Mass., have also asked President Biden for forgiveness of student loans via an executive order posted on Twitter last month.