voters had to stand for hours in the heat of the snake, many of the ballots arrived on time at the receivers, and also the Morning after the polls closed, hundreds of thousands were votes still not tallied. The primaries on Tuesday in Georgia and looked like a mess.

only the presidential candidates were not Elected. In primaries, the citizens should determine their congressional candidates. Jon Ossoff, who was failed in a much-publicized congressional by-election three years ago, was able to prevail as a Senate candidate for the Democrats. In the southern state of two previously Republican Senate to seats or newly occupied and defended. This applies as a Referendum on President Donald Trump, and could also change the balance of power in the Senate in Washington in favor of the Democrats.

However, the reason why, on the Wednesday many people have talked about the election in Georgia, was a of other: The chaotic conditions of the gifts in the view of many commentators, a warning sign for the presidential election in November. After all, before States such as Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio had reported problems with the counting. Experts expect that in November, at least in some States, again intentionally votes be suppressed. In addition, technical problems may complicate the procedure and accurate counting. If voting machines are not functioning correctly, the queue in front of the polling station longer and longer – that people go home before they cast their votes, is unavoidable. Also, the Corona of a pandemic is likely to have a negative impact, if the Americans choose in November. It should come to a second infection wave, could keep many people at home, without having earlier, by letter, your vote. Also on election volunteers, it is likely to be lacking then.

Of disabilities, Republican

A Problem there could be with the postal vote. Probably more people will be documents to apply for than before because of the Coronavirus for the submission of written votes. The “Washington Post” according to the Interim congressional elections in 2018 8.2 percent of the Letter ballots have not been counted. At the most this was because they were sent late, or the documents were not filled out properly. If in November, a high proportion of non-counted votes, could try each page, the choice of later challenge. This would result in lengthy court proceedings.

complaints about choice disability, long waiting times and irregularities there are in almost every election in the United States. But only if the result is very clear, you will forget quickly.

choice obstruction tactics to use so far, mostly the Republicans. As the largest factor is the refusal by the decision-makers, to put the election day on a Sunday, or to declare a public holiday to apply. Particularly, many of the voters the Democrats are in and out of insecure employment, or a single parent. To take part in a day of the week and then possibly even hours waiting in line, it is often not possible. Sometimes, the authorities also open significantly fewer polling stations in poor areas. Or they create obstacles for the registration, you could do really easily with the driver’s license. In the States of the South-election obstruction tactics to meet very often poor and Black. These groups elect a majority of the Democrats.