For a change, we’ll start with a little Quiz. Who has said this sentence: “However, the US President is not everything.”? Because for such an Expression currently very many external came inside and the Outer of the question, and we want you, our readers, the thing unnecessarily hard to make, we reduce the answer choices to three persons: a) Angela Merkel b) Vladimir Putin c) Alexander Gauland. So that you do not jump to the end of the article, we supply the resolution to this point: It was, in fact, Alexander Gauland.

Berthold Kohler


F. A. Z.

to make here is not to give a false impression: The AfD group and the honorary Chairman, Donald Trump, the many of the AfD supporters appreciate to love, not censured because of his behavior in the racism debate. He let him go. Gaulands of Expression related to the message, Trump wool more than deduct a quarter of in Germany, American soldiers stationed. But this opinion Gaulands is likely to have caused surprise, this Time to Moscow. Because even in the quote collections of in-the-wool-dyed TRANS-Atlanticists you have to look for a while, until you come to such a Declaration of love to the Nato.

We welcome you explicitly ask, in view of the otherwise reliable Russophilism of the AfD-man, but also a bit worried: Are there gone with Gauland the horses through? If Yes, what made you shy away from? The Name esque is perhaps to Gauland, such as the mention of the Name Blücher on the horse in Mel Brooks’ unforgotten masterpiece “Frankenstein Junior”? The SPD Chairman had Gauland also something not to go: the assertion that there is a “latent racism” in the ranks of the German security forces. That esque “our police officers … lump under racist suspicion”, is of course equal to, if somewhat exaggerated, because the SPD Chairman also said that the “vast majority” against such tendencies is very critical.

The Hidden is easy to detect

However, Commissioner esque has not outlined yet transparent, as she came to the latent racism of a small minority in the police on the ropes. A recent esque spoken literature recommendation in the following, we looked it up in Duden, which means “latent”. Of the estimated 19. Edition – the last before the latent madness of the spelling reform – is attributed to the word from Latin with the meaning: hidden, dormant, bound, stored. And the Hidden is not easy to detect. Conspiracy theorists would probably say that The Latent is lurking everywhere, even in the basic law.

Donald Trump but you have to keep benefit, that he has not attempted at any time, to hide his character traits and Beliefs, even after the recent events. But still latenterer racism is only discovered after decades, as in the case of “gone with The wind”. But what is that?! Hardly, this is now “is set to racist southern epic” on the Index of politically incorrect works, which must be provided prior to further broadcast with a warning Signs and Mahntafeln, exploded the demand for the Film. This is a sign that the accumulated racism no longer resting, but now unbound from the Hidden swells? Or all of the Blauäuigen that had kept the novel and according to him, turned languid strip over the fate of Scarlett O’hara for an American Version of Sissi want to see what you missed all these years – now, finally, the eyes were opened?