The AfD continues to hope that Nord Stream 2 will be commissioned – according to Russian information, this would still be possible after the act of sabotage. The federal government sees it differently: Not only the certification is missing.

Contrary to the Russian assessment, the federal government says it does not assume that one of the two tubes of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is still intact after the September explosions. “It is very likely that the act of sabotage with strong explosions had a negative impact on both pipeline strands and that the basic technical availability is therefore no longer given,” said the federal government in response to a parliamentary question from AfD parliamentary group leader Leif-Erik Holm .

In addition, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has not received the certification required for its operation anyway and will still not be able to go into operation. It seems to him “as if you were hoping at the traffic light that the issue of gas deliveries via Nord Stream was dealt with by the attacks,” said AfD MP Holm. His party advocates commissioning Nord Stream 2 and rejects the course of the federal government, which wants to become independent of Russian gas supplies in response to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

At the end of September, four leaks in the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 were discovered after explosions near the Baltic Sea island of Bornholm, two of them in the exclusive economic zones of Denmark and Sweden. Two weeks ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered gas supplies through what he said was still an operational stretch of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. “You just have to turn on the tap,” he said at the Russian Energy Week in Moscow. The tube was probably not so damaged that it can no longer be used.