Catholics, for example members of this tribe at Westminster Cathedral, have questioned the prime minister managed to be married in a Catholic church after his two previous adultery.

Boris Johnson wed Carrie Symonds in the cathedral at a ceremony together with 30 family and friends on Saturday, intended in strict secrecy and allegedly completed by Father Daniel Humphreys, who baptised their son Wilfred past year.

Symonds, that is taking Johnson’s title, has spoken openly of her Catholic religion, while Johnson was baptised into Catholicism but renounced it for Anglicanism throughout his Eton schooldays, according to biographers.

Catholic law, that doesn’t recognise divorce, generally does not allow the remarriage of the former partner, or spouses, remain living. Johnson was divorced by his first wife, Allegra Mostyn-Owen, in 1993, also finalised his divorce from his second wife, Marina Wheeler, in November this past year.

Father Mark Drew, an assistant leader in Warrington, tweeted response to this information :”Could anybody describe to me how’Boris’ Johnson, who left the Catholic church at Eaton [sic] and is twice divorced, could be married at Westminster Cathedral, although I must tell practising Catholics in good faith that desire another marriage in Church which it is not feasible?”

Christopher Lamb, Rome correspondent for the Catholic magazine that the Tablet, stated many could conclude that the principles don’t apply to the prime minister. “There is going to be a sense that, why are some men and women that are divorced permitted to be married at the church and many others “

“And I believe that is where the church may take a look in its existing rules and determine how it can be welcoming. It’s been welcoming to Boris Johnson, why to not others”

Father Paul Butler, the Church of England rector of St Paul’s at Deptford, tweeted:”Consistently 1 canon law to the wealthy and one for the bad.”

Consequently, a”straightforward administrative procedure” was supposed to have been used to announce the preceding marriages invalid.

He composed on Twitter:”Boris’s two previous marriages (likely ) lacked canonical form, which is, aren’t recognised in Catholic legislation. He (probably) did not require an annulment. After the canonical form of marriage hasn’t yet been observed and the union wasn’t later validated from the Church, a straightforward administrative procedure is used to announce such unions invalid in church”

The Catholic church doesn’t permit same-sex unions or blessings of same-sex couples to occur . And I want them well. In addition, I want the exact same mercy and empathy that has been provided to themtheir complicated lives, might also be extended to unmarried partners that are lifelong Catholics.”

1 member of Westminster Cathedral’s congregation told the Telegraph that she’d requested the priest to get clarification about the principles surrounding divorcees after the Johnson marriage. The girl, named only as Maria, was allegedly baptised in the palace and was attending for 70 decades.

“He is married at the Catholic church so he can not get married — he does then invalidates everything,” he added. “So let us hope he keeps his pants on and acts himself.”

Asked whether Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the archbishop of Westminster, accepted the union, a spokesperson said that the Corps’s approval wasn’t required since the marriage”proceeded in accordance with the standards of the Church without exclusion”.

“All necessary steps have been accepted, in both civil and church law, and all of the formalities completed prior to the marriage.