“America Brennet!
Inn Overseas Herrsching Bürgel Krieging!”

Aberl … Wassen Issert reason?

A Black Manno
Habel Zahling
the middle of Fälsching funds.
Danna Cham way White Politzka,
history of imprisonment Diehsa Manning,
history of Passau Manno Vils spanking,
presses Seining the air.

Sood Tötensen Black-and-Manning.
Seining name
Georg Were Floiten:.

the United States of America Bürglen
Go Auffen streets;
“the Same Rechtis
Fürth All the color!
White Politzka tuna
Black Manning
George Floiten Mordlau!
Nurn Wega Seining Rassau!”

the Whole of world history Stedden
Diehsa Annen Lie!

Stop! – Nitz Donat Hitchhike!
gentlemen Presen Dentingen Vonz America
ball – Vienna Open! –
Seining war hat.
Into the Ring Thon
hitchhike tuna Wichterich,
tuna Heuchling:
Shut Biblis Hocha!
Pressel Seining toad Auggen together cell:
mid-state armies,
the middle of Scharfling weapons hammer Threat.

Diehsa sows Dumber Presen Dentingen
casting Oelsen Into the Feuereck!

Therefore, Wirl Call
(in the Very middle of Politzka bosses Vonz Texas):
“Trampe, Vals Haste
Nitz Gschaidt Zuhr Say,
Danna Holding Deinste Klapping!”