On Monday morning, Casimir Platzer (58) lobbed it back in the hat. Well, since the Corona-Lockdown in mid-March, the always good-humored, President of gastrosuisse outraged more often. And when he heard Monday that in schools now the Two-Meter distance also applies, it was time again.

Platzer – or, better said, the restaurant sector – feels by the Federal Council bullied: “It can’t be, that virtually anywhere the distance rule, we cannot but entertain still less guests, because we have to comply with between the tables are two meters!”

Federal government should in three points,

repair Because of this strict rule, the pickling and Restaurants would make a 200 million Swiss francs less in sales per week, says Platzer. He has, therefore, placed the Federal Council of a Change in the Corona-regulation to the heart. Three points he would like to have changed:

The Two-Meter rule: The distance should be adhered to “as”. If this is not possible, agrees gastrosuisse, the contact details of a Person per table to claim. Also, if the table is less than five guests are sitting. Here is the full Platzer pulls a u turn – just against those of the data-collection requirement, he had to lobby four weeks. And successful. The Federal Council has lifted this obligation for groups of up to four people. the Corona-police hour: Platzer requires that Restaurants, Bars, Clubs and discos must conclude, as before, at midnight. Platzer: “does anyone think the people have to go home? No, the parties are moving in the public space, on squares or at the lakeside. There is no one more controlled then.”

The standing-room ban: Platzer wants that, especially in Bars and standing areas are available. No Change in front of the 24. June

From the administration he was, however, put off, says Platzer. You’ve decided on that, the Federal Council announced on November 24. June about further easing may be. “The fact that we are still up on 24. June will have to wait until the Federal Council takes the Dossier back in the hands, and then probably easing decides, steps from the 6. July, it is unacceptable,” he says. The example of the schools, where almost overnight, the Two-Meter rule is scrapped, had been, to show that the Federal government could optimize the rules outside of the rigid calendar. “If we are up to 6. July will have to wait, missing just under a billion Swiss francs in sales,” complains Platzer.

Platzer has understood it since the beginning of the crisis masterfully, faster and further to get loose for his industry. And also, if the master is a Lobbyist and many in the Federal administration, with its attacks on the nerves, you have to admit: That the requirements in the different areas are understandable and consistent, you can’t really say: Why should Restaurants and Bars close at midnight, at the Casino but played until 4 o’clock in the morning and be drunk? Why must stay in the cinema, only every second space, and a Club is not a distance – a pickling but already?

Platzer expected solution complains this week

The restaurant sector was the only one to respect the distance, yet consistently, Platzer. “The attitude of the Federal Council, in particular, the translations of Alain, is disproportionate and thus not portable.” He expected, therefore, that this will be adapted to the Federal Council meeting on Friday. In at least one point of health Minister Berset, a the in view: The Corona police hour, he said on Monday in the national Council, to be repealed “as soon as possible”.