The far-right politician Andreas Kalbitz must leave the AfD final. The Federal arbitration court confirmed the Federal Executive Board in may approved the cancellation of the membership in the main proceedings, informed the AfD on Saturday. “The ruling was expected, if one knows the political majority in the court of arbitration. It’s not surprising really,“ said Kalbitz, the German press Agency. He previously had already announced to want to, however, civil law to the military. “In terms of content, I consider this to be unlawful.”

Kalbitz appeared in person to the meeting. The decision of the Federal arbitration court was a “highly political issue”, he stressed. “This is a proxy war, since I am only a figure. The question then is: Who’s Next?“

Before the beginning, about a dozen supporters gathered in front of the door, in order to strengthen his back. “We are all with you” and “head up!” they cried to him on the way to the meeting and extended the thumbs up. Two of the men carried signs with the slogans: “Kalbitz is good” and “Kalbitz to stay, Meuthen must go!”.

Also a party leader, Jörg Meuthen took part in the meeting. He showed up to the hearing in the afternoon, confident that the arbitration court will follow the Position of the Federal Executive Board: “We are aware of our legal position is very secure.”

In may, the AfD had Federal Executive Kalbitz thrown out of the party. The reason he gave, Kalbitz not have given his party a former membership in the now-banned right-wing “homeland-faithful German youth” (HDJ), and the Republicans admission. Kalbitz denies the membership of the HDJ.