mattress as a barricade, insults through a bullhorn and a viral campaign on Instagram – as a couple from Brooklyn tried in mid-July, to terminate several defaulting tenants, camped activists for days in front of the lovely row house on Dean Street in Crown Heights. At times a hundred people protested against the “unscrupulous” projects of landlords. Finally, most of the inhabitants moved out, but the city had to get a taste of what could be in many places to threaten. For weeks, there are warnings that millions of Americans could lose their homes because they can no longer pay their Rent. The house owners get rid of the eviction of defaulting tenant, usually by way of judicial compulsion. In Brooklyn, it showed that not all are like that – and that activists are prepared to turn such hardship into political Protest. According to restless, the political leaders reacted on the spot, when it became clear that the Corona-aid of the Federal government are not paid in the previous Form. The politics in Washington can’t solve their most pressing tasks, said about mayor Bill de Blasio.

Already no longer was to be expected that Republicans and Democrats in Congress would not agree on the Coronavirus-extend the package. Americans, who had lost in the crisis, their Jobs, received in March $ 600 per week in addition to the unemployment benefit. The regular services are governed by the previous income, but are in the state of New York, at a maximum of $ 504 per week. Several Thousand dollars to rent in the city of New York for small apartments are not uncommon. Who has no savings, can quickly become homeless. Federal aid prevented that in the past few months. Added to this was a nationwide Moratorium on evictions and mortgage payments. Defaulting tenants could not be from their homes and thrown, the Rents are deferred only. Now, this control ends. Millions of people are at risk of homelessness.

Also, if in many States, Coronavirus-protection measures have been relaxed, are still up to thirty million people without work. Is freelancers, can apply for unemployment assistance are included. The regional authorities now have little choice, as the Not self-absorb – otherwise it will face mass homelessness, more protest actions like the one in Brooklyn, and probably a further increase in the number of offenses. The state of New York announced, therefore, that its citizens are able to obtain twenty additional weeks of unemployment benefits. Recently, citizens can apply to in New York as well as allowances for rent, if you can prove loss of income due to the Coronavirus. And the sometimes called “food insecurity” described a Hunger, it already existed before the Corona in many families, it helps to have a program in public schools to curb, where families, free of charge, several meals a day can pick up. Not all regional administrations to take similar measures in many places, the fight against Hunger private charities is up to you.