An international donors ‘ conference has decided on Sunday emergency aid for the destroyed much of Beirut. According to data from the Élyséepalast 252.7 million euros have come together to immediately help. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas had previously spoken in the ZDF of more than 200 million euros in aid that Germany contribute with 20 million euros in addition.

Christian Schubert

economic correspondent in Paris.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the President of France Emmanuel Macron said in his opening speech on Sunday afternoon: “The goal is our means to merge, to concretely in the next days and weeks, to the needs of the population.” France had organized the Video conference held together with the United Nations.

Macron referred to the UN estimates, the demand of the auxiliary in the Lebanese health care system $ 85 million estimate. In addition, there is a lack of food, especially wheat, hundreds of thousands needed a quick housing and the schools need to be rebuilt.

long-Term assistance is uncertain

The Lebanese leadership Macron called on to preserve reforms to the country before the fall. You must respond to the “demands of the Lebanese people and put forward currently on the streets of Beirut”. Already during his visit to the city on Thursday, Macron had promised that there would be international support against structural reforms.This is not for the Notmaßnamen, but for the subsequent more sustainable assistance.

to be directed To the question of how the emergency is over to corrupt politicians to the needy could be – this is also a promise Macrons – it was in the Elysée Palace on Saturday that the Lebanese army and the Red cross is a trusted Partner could be. On Sunday, it added Macron, the United Nations, the world Bank and the International monetary Fund have announced the Surveillance and coordination of auxiliary services.

the video conference took next to the American President Donald Trump, the Prime Ministers of Italy and Spain, Giuseppe Conte, and Pedro Sanchez, the German foreign Minister Heiko Maas and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, also a number of heads of state and government from the Region, including the President of Egypt, the king of Jordan, the foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister of Iraq, the Emir of Qatar and the Prime Minister of Kuwait.